• 巷港特码王 > 港铁巴士路线
  • 港铁巴士路线

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    文档作者:Sabine Langer
    MTR Bus Route
    生效日期 Effective Date
    天瑞 至 洪水桥〔循环线〕
    Tin Shui to Hung Shui Kiu (Circular)
    班次 (分钟) Frequency (mins.)
    13 / 06 / 2010 现金 Cash 八达通 Octopus
    天瑞 开出 from Tin Shui
    星期一至六 Mondays to Saturdays
    车费 Fare
    06:00 – 09:30 15:30 – 19:30
    7 – 12 10 – 12
    星期日及公众假期不设服务 NO Services on Sundays & Public Holidays
    Concess -ionary
    成人 Adult 特 小童 / 长者 Child / Senior Citizen 惠 学生
    $3.80 $1.80 $3.80 $1.80
    3 – 11岁, 65岁或以上 Aged 3 – 11, 65 or above 持有效学生身份个人八达通卡 Holder of valid Personalised Octopus Card encoded with Student status
    Tin Shui
    Tin Shui Wai Park 天水围公园 Sherwood Court 赏湖居 Tin Shui Wai Police Station 天水围警署 〔港铁天水围站 对面〕天盛苑* (opposite to MTR Tin Shui Wai Station) Tin Shing Court Sha Chau Lei Tsuen 沙洲里村 Ha Tsuen 厦村 Ha Tsuen Shi 厦村市 San Uk Tsuen 新屋村 Lee Uk Tsuen 李屋村 San Sang Tsuen 新生村 San Lee Uk Tsuen 新李屋村 Tin Sam 田心 Rural Committee 乡事委员会
    West Rail Line
    天水围公园 天耀邨耀盛楼
    Tin Shui Wai Park Yiu Shing House, Tin Yiu Estate
    *轻铁天耀站 LR Tin Yiu Stop
    West Rail Line
    *天盛苑〔近港铁天水围站 〕
    Tin Shing Court (near MTR Tin Shui Wai Station)
    Shek Po Tsuen
    Hung Shui Kiu (opposite to LR Hung Shui Kiu Stop)
    1. 2.
    此资料只供参考之用,编定之班次随时因交通情况或车务调动而作适当调整,恕不另行通知. This information serves as a general guide only. Scheduled departures may be adjusted subject to traffic conditions without prior notice. 八达通卡乘客转乘优惠: Interchange concessions for passengers using Octopus cards, - 西铁线或轻铁乘客於出站后 60 分钟内,可免费转乘本路线. West Rail Line or Light Rail passengers can enjoy free interchange to this route within 60 minutes after exit validations. - 本路线乘客在上车后 60 分钟内转乘西铁线或轻铁,可享免费转乘优惠,优惠额为已缴付之正常巴士车费. Passengers of this route can enjoy interchange concessions of the full bus fare paid when transferring to West Rail Line or Light Rail within 60 minutes after boarding the bus. - 本路线乘客在上车后 60 分钟内转乘 K65 或 K76 巴士线,只需支付其中较高车资的一程. Passengers of this route will only be charged the higher fare when interchange within 60 minutes with K65 or K76. - 乘客缴付第一程车资后,须确保八达通卡 (包括全月通) 尚余正票值才可享有转乘优惠. A positive balance must be maintained in your Octopus card (including Monthly Pass) after the first leg of your trip in order to enjoy interchange concessions.


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