• bv船级社 > 第21卷第2 期
  • 第21卷第2 期

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    第 21 卷 第 2 期 2008 年 6 月
    宁 波 大 学 学 报( 理 工 版 ) JOURNAL OF NINGBO UNIVERSITY ( NSEE )
    Vol.21 No.2 June 2008
    The Role of Classification Societies in Maritime Industry
    CAI Ying,MA Yan
    ( Faculty of Maritime, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China )
    Abstract: Classification societies have been playing an important and unique role in maritime industry by setting technical standard regarding shipbuilding and maintenance, and providing technical verification and other technical services. This paper has examined the history and major activities of classification societies at the beginning. In order to clarify the role of classification societies played in maritime communities, it has further discussed their relationship with International Maritime Organization (IMO), flag states, port states and industries. Consequently, classification societies are essential for safer shipping and clearer oceans. Key words: classification societies; IACS; technical verification; technical services CLC number: U692.1 Document code: A
    'Safer shipping and clearer oceans' is the aim of maritime industry. During the past several decades, a great amount of improvements in preventing marine pollution and loss of life have been achieved with the efforts of the whole maritime circles, including shipowners, shipbuilders, flag states, port states, underwriters, shipping financiers and charterers as well as organizations. Among them, classification societies have been playing an important and unique role by setting technical standard regarding shipbuilding and maintenance, and providing technical verification and other technical services. With their specific knowledge, experience and expertise, classification societies through their leading body, International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), have gained wide respect of shipping industry. With the blooming world trade, it demands higher standards of ship safety and environmental protection, the burden inevitably falls primarily on classification societies .


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