• sqlcasewhenthen > SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
  • SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

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    Note The SQL Server 2005 labs are based on beta builds of the product. The intent of these labs is to provide you with a general feel of some of the planned features for the next release of SQL Server. As with all software development projects, the final version may differ from beta builds in both features and user interface. For the latest details on SQL Server 2005, please visit http://www.microsoft.com/sql/2005/.
    Estimated time to complete this lab: 75 minutes
    Exercise 0 Lab Setup
    Log in using the Administrator user account. The password is pass@word1. The first time you log in to the Virtual PC 2004 image you will need to run a command to reinitialize Reporting Services. Note this is only necessary if you are using the Virtual PC 2004 image provided with the SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 CDs. To reinitialize, do the following: 1. Click Start, then Run and type cmd and then click OK. 2. Type the following text as one complete line as it appears and press ENTER (including the quotes): cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.3\Reporting Services\ReportManager\Bin" 3. Type RSKeyMgmt.exe -d and press ENTER. 4. Exit the command prompt by typing Exit and pressing ENTER. 5. Verify the command was successfully by starting Internet Explorer. At the home page, click the link for Reporting Services. Note it my take a moment for the service to initialize.
    Exercise 1: Creating a Report Using the Wizard


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