大学入学考试中心 九十九学年度指定科目考试试题
考试时间:80 分钟
作答方式: 选择题用 2B 铅笔在「答案卡」上作答,修正时应 以橡皮擦拭,切勿使用修正液(带).
粗之黑色墨水的笔书写,且不得使用铅笔.更正时, 可以使用修正液(带).
第 1 页 共 7 页
99 年指考 英文考科
第 壹 部 分 : 选 择 题 ( 占 72分 ) 一 , 词 汇 ( 10分 )
说明∶第1题至第10题,每题选出一个最适当的选项,标示在答案卡之「选择题答 案区」.每题答对得1分,答错或划记多於一个选项者倒扣1/3分,倒扣到本 大题之实得分数为零为止.未作答者,不给分亦不扣分.
1. Chinese is a language with many _______ differences. People living in different areas often speak different dialects. (A) sociable (B) legendary (C) regional (D) superior 2. A menu serves to _____ customers about the varieties and prices of the dishes offered by the restaurant. (A) appeal (B) convey (C) inform (D) demand 3. Mary and Jane often fight over which radio station to listen to. Their _______ arises mainly from their different tastes in music. (A) venture (B) consent (C) dispute (D) temptation 4. The baby polar bear is being _____ studied by the scientists. Every move he makes is carefully observed and documented. (A) prosperously (B) intensively (C) honorably (D) originally 5. At twelve, Catherine has won several first prizes in international art competitions. Her talent and skills are _____ for her age. (A) comparable (B) exceptional (C) indifferent (D) unconvincing 6. After his superb performance, the musician received a big round of _____ from the appreciative audience. (A) vacuum (B) overflow (C) applause (D) spotlight 7. The water company inspects the pipelines and _____ the water supply regularly to ensure the safety of our drinking water. (A) exhibits (B) monitors (C) interprets (D) converts 8. This year's East Asia Summit meetings will focus on critical _____ such as energy conservation, food shortages, and global warming. (A) issues (B) remarks (C) conducts (D) faculties 9. Having fully recognized Mei-ling's academic ability, Mr. Lin strongly _____ her for admission to the university. (A) assured (B) promoted (C) estimated (D) recommended 10. The weatherman has warned about drastic temperature change in the next few days, and suggested that we check the weather on a daily basis and dress _____. (A) necessarily (B) significantly (C) specifically (D) accordingly
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