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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    Investigation of AHP Method Based on the 0.1-0.9 Scale
    DU Dong Department of Information Management, Hohai University, P.R. China ,213022 dudong@webmail.hhuc.edu.cn Abstract: The 0.1-0.9 scale is a simple and practical criterion, which considerably fits in with the people's thinking custom. This paper, making full use of the existing judgment information, and applying a subtle mathematical transformation to the judgment matrix based on this kind of scale, successfully solves the consistency of the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method, and as an application, presents a numerical example ,too. Keywords: AHP, scale, judgment matrix.
    1 Introduction
    The AHP method has been widely adopted in system analysis and making decision, which combines the quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis [1]. The key of this method lies in describing objectively the subjective judgment with a certain scale, which quantitatively indicates the relative importance between any two different elements. Since the 1-9 scale was proposed by Saaty. T. L in 1980[2], several kinds of scales have been put forward. The 0.1-0.9 scale, given in reference [3], inherits the advantages of the scale 1-9, such as simplicity and utility, and has gained more and more attention[4]. To improve the investigation and application of this new scale, the basic concept and manipulation of this scale is specifically discussed in this paper, and some problems that should be noticed in theoretical investigation and practical application, are pointed out, too.
    2 Discussion on 0.1-0.9 scale


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