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  • 建国后西医

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    94 建国后西医
    试题评析 王靖老师
    1.第 1~5 题文法题(相当重视时态考题):非常简单,分别在上课讲义 P82,84,53, 74 页出现,皆是上课明过的题目. 2.第 6~15 题的单字用法:没有门单字,非常容;课中讲授字根,字首时皆有提 及. 3.第 16~25 题克字:答案从上下文中皆可找出线,而且选项单字较往简单. 4.第 26~55 题阅测验:与往一样,文章长,题目很多,阅能与速是得 高分的要件.但同於以往,文章内容较为一般性,而偏重医学知. 5.作文: 『当名人的压』是个很生活化的题目,考生可自由发挥,发表个人
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    94 建国后西医
    I. Grammar and Structure: Choose the best answer. 5 points. 【单选题】每题 1 分,共 5 题,答错一题倒扣 0.25 分,倒扣至本大题分为止,未作答,给分 扣分. (D) 1. If the nurse had been more cautious, the innocent babies _____. (A) should not be killed (B) would not be killed (C) should have been killed (D) wouldn't have been killed (E) could have to be killed (A) 2. The phone _______ constantly since Jack announced his candidacy for president this morning. (A) has been ringing (D) had rung (B) rang (E) is ringing (C) had been ringing
    (E) 3. While I _____ TV last night, a mouse ran across the floor. (A) watch (D) am watching (B) watched (E) was watching (C) have been watching
    (A) 4. Four miles off the southeastern coast of Massachusetts _____, a popular summer resort. (A) lies the island of Martha's Vineyard (B) the island of Martha's Vineyard lies there (C) does lie the island of Martha's Vineyard (D) Where the island of Martha's Vineyard lies (E) Which Martha's Vineyard lies is (D) 5. Bacteria may be round, _____, or siral. (A) rod shapes (D) rod-shaped (B) in the shape of rods (E) shaping (C) like a rod's shape
    II. Vocabulary and Usage: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. 15 points. 【单选题】每题 1.5 分,共 10 题,答错一题倒扣 0.375 分,倒扣至本大题分为止,未作答,给 分扣分. (D) 6. George is _____ Lisa.
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    94 建国后西医 (A) marry with (D) married to (B) marry to (E) marry
    全套详解 (C) married with
    (C) 7. Although flies live longest in cool temperatures, they breed _____ when temperatures are warm, food is abundant, and humidity is moderate. (A) proficiently (D) propitiously (B) profitably (E) professionally (C) prolifically


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