• 四富婆玩东北小五门 > 我觉得今次中一的训练营很好玩
  • 我觉得今次中一的训练营很好玩

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    HKMA David Li Kwok Po College Newsletter
    Guidance and Counseling Team September - October 2008
    HKMA David Li Kwok Po College Newsletter
    Guidance and Counseling Team September - October 2008
    Principal's Words
    A new school year with Respect and Responsibility
    People often ask me why I came to Hong Kong and what keeps me here. A large part of my answer to this question concerns the people of Hong Kong. Life can be strange, have you ever been in a foreign situation though felt comfortable For me Hong Kong is like that, I appreciate many of the traditional values that are embodied in everyday life. An obvious example is that teachers and indeed education are respected. Such respect flows into how we regard the elderly, how we treat the mothers and fathers of our friends as 'Aunty' and 'Uncle', how our MTR is so clean, how there is a lack of violence and graffiti and even basic things such as how people queue for a bus. Hong Kong is successful in these areas because we have respect for each other, our collective property and we understand the importance of individual responsibility. A number of years ago there was a massive protest march held on July 1st. It seemed that most of Hong Kong was there. What deeply impressed me was that despite the fact that people were hot, tired and indeed angry enough to protest, the way they expressed their feelings was both dignified and silent. I was proud to be a Hong Konger that day as it showed to me that we could truly be both respectful and responsible. What then of us here at school Why do we need to emphasise such values if they are already evident The answer is that we need to ensure that you, the next generation understand how important these values are in order to maintain not only what we have but to also consider where improvements can be made. When we talk about respect and responsibility, think also of the role that you can play in observing the world around you and in working to make Hong Kong an even better place. Remember, even the greatest journey starts with a single step.


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