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  • Evapotranspiration

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    I. The land-atmosphere water flux across plant, ecosystem, global and social scales II. GIS and spatial analysis for environmental justice and wildlife by Joshua Benjamin Fisher
    B.S. (University of California, Berkeley) 2001
    A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science, Policy and Management in the GRADUATE DIVISION of the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY
    Committee in charge: Professor Dennis D. Baldocchi, Co-Chair Professor Gregory S. Biging, Co-Chair Professor Todd E. Dawson Professor Louise P. Fortmann
    Spring 2006
    The dissertation of Joshua Benjamin Fisher is approved:
    University of California, Berkeley Spring 2006
    I. The land-atmosphere water flux across plant, ecosystem, global and social scales II. GIS and spatial analysis for environmental justice and wildlife 2006 by Joshua Benjamin Fisher
    Abstract I. The land-atmosphere water flux across plant, ecosystem, global and social scales II. GIS and spatial analysis for environmental justice and wildlife by Joshua Benjamin Fisher Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science, Policy and Management University of California, Berkeley Professor Dennis D. Baldocchi, Co-Chair Professor Gregory S. Biging, Co-Chair
    I. Evapotranspiration is a major component of the terrestrial water balance, and is central to the processes and models of global circulation and climate change, ecosystem carbon cycling, floods, droughts and irrigation. Over the entire land surface of the globe,
    approximately two-thirds of rainfall returns to the atmosphere as evapotranspiration, making evapotranspiration the largest single component of the hydrological cycle. Two main problems exist, however, of which the solutions are the objectives of this thesis: 1) evapotranspiration is very difficult to measure and predict, especially at synoptic spatial scales; 2) the processes that control evapotranspiration are weighted inconsistently across spatial scales. My methodology includes a combination of sap flow for transpiration in individual trees and shrubs, modeling as applied to eddy covariance measurements for ecosystems, remote sensing for the land-atmosphere flux over continents and the globe, and intellectual property rights and common property resources theories for data sharing. I found that nocturnal transpiration occurs in many species, which violates many longheld leaf-scale assumptions about daytime-dependency of photosynthesis-transpiration


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