• outlook2010备份 > 2010年报(2010年6月发布) (pdf 3122 - untitled
  • 2010年报(2010年6月发布) (pdf 3122 - untitled

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    Solid Foundation
    稳健根基 发展无限
    Regional Growth on
    Good foundation is the key for everything you build. Our solid financial fundamentals, talented workforce, over 37 years of IT services experience, regional presence and support from our ultimate controlling shareholder, Teamsun, lay the groundwork for our further regional expansion in the future. The design of this year's annual report reflects our determination to pursuit regional expansion opportunities so as to become the leader in the IT service industry in the Greater China region and then to move forward to become the No.1 IT service provider in the Asia Pacific region. 任何建设都必须先有稳固的基础.而本集团的稳健财政根基,人才, 逾37年的资讯科技服务经验,地区实力及最终控股股东华胜天成的支 持,正为我们日后进一步扩展地区业务打下扎实的根基. 本年度的年报设计反映了我们决心争取地区扩展之机遇,以成为大中 华区内资讯科技服务界的翘楚,并继而晋身为亚太区首屈一指的资讯 科技服务供应商.
    自动系统之业务概览 ASL at a Glance
    Corporate Overview
    Information Technology (IT) service provider since 1973 Teamsun (SHSE Stock Code: 600410) becomes the Company's ultimate controlling shareholder in September 2009, supporting the Company's further business expansion in the Asia Pacific region Dedicated to delivering one-stop IT services to customers across the region with business operations in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand and mainland China Net profit increased to HK$115.8 million, including HK$69.1 million from the post-tax gain on disposal from the Global Managed Service business (FY09: HK$42.7 million)
    自1973年起提供资讯科技服务 华胜天成 (上海证券交易所之股份代号: 六零零四一零) 於二零零九年九月成为集 团最终控股股东,支持本集团进一步於亚 太区内扩展业务 致力为区内客户提供「一站式」资讯科技 服务,业务遍及香港,澳门,台湾,泰国 及中国大陆
    Basic earnings per share surged to HK37.65 cents (FY09: HK14.36 cents) 每 股 基 本 盈 利 飙 升 至 37.65 港 仙( 二 零 零 九 财 政 年 度 : 14.36港仙)
    Profit before income tax from continuing operations reached HK$53.6 million (FY09: HK$43.3 million) 来自持续经营业务之除所 得 税 前 溢 利 达 53,600,000 港元 二零零九财政年度: ( 43,300,000港元)
    Financial Highlights
    纯利上升至115,800,000 港元,包括出售环球管理 服务业务之除所得税后之 69,100,000港元(二零零九 财政年度: 42,700,000港元)


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