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  • 小母牛会讯第十三期heifer newsletter heifer newsletter

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    Issue No.13 Autumn, 2010 第13期 2010年 秋季
    Heifer Newsletter
    Cover Story 封面故事
    Buffalo Brings New Life to Project Families 水牛为农户带来新生活
    ordering with Myanmar, Lancang County is located in the Southwest of Yunnan Province. It comprises 20 townships, 157 villages with a population of 470,000, of whom 310,000 are poor, accounting for 66% of the total population. Lancang County is thus a state designated poor county. Donggang Village is a remote small village in Lancang County and is located in the centre of the Golden Triangle, only an hour drive from the Myanmese border. As drugs are easily available in the area, most people in Donggang Village get addicted to drugs, and eventually their families also suffer. Families have lost labor force and other problems such as HIV/AIDS have started to threaten the village. Adults, teenagers, even children and babies are affected by AIDS. Therefore, there is an urgent need to educate the rural farmers about the problem of HIV/AIDS and related preventive measures. In 2007, Heifer started a project in Donggang Village. Villagers there never had thought that there would be anyone coming to help them as the village had been abandoned for a long time. Nobody was willing to come. Zhao Apu is an ordinary woman in Donggang Village. Before joining the Heifer project, her husband was in prison for taking drugs. She had to take care two young sons at home and the family relied on limited agricultural products for a living. She was very happy to have received a water buffalo from Heifer. She took care of it and used it for ploughing. With the training provided by Heifer, project families learned practical skills on animal management and knowledge on HIV/AIDS prevention. They then realized that drugs could ruin their life and they decided to quit. Together, they planted a tree at the entrance of the village to show their determination to stay away from drugs.
    (To be continued on P.2)

    於云南省西南部的澜沧县和缅甸接壤,全县 有20个镇,157个村,农业人口约有47万. 澜沧县是国家级贫困县,约有31万贫困人 口,占全县总人口的66%.澜沧县东岗村是一个偏 远的村寨.这个村子距离中缅边境不到一小时车 程,位於金三角核心地带.由於毒品交易氾滥,东 岗村以前有很多人都吸毒.慢慢的,他们的家庭也 受到影响.家庭丧失年轻劳动力,爱滋病威胁等其 他问题开始显现,中年人,青年人,甚至连婴儿, 小孩都受到爱滋病的影响.因此,有急切的需要提 高当地农户预防爱滋病的意识. 2007年,当小母牛来到东岗村开展项目时,村民 都感到惊讶,因为东岗村彷佛已经被外界放弃很 久了,他们从来没有想过会有人愿意及敢前来帮 助他们. 赵阿卜是东岗村的一名普通妇女.丈夫因为吸毒 接受劳改,剩下她和两个儿子在家,只靠家中耕 地出产的一些农作物过日子.她很高兴透过参加 小母牛项目而得到了一头水牛. 她精心照料这头 水牛,用它来帮助犁地.小母牛除了培训农户如 何管理和饲养水牛,同时,亦为他们提供爱滋病 预防知识.村民意识到毒品的危害,意识到毒品 已经毁了他们的生活.他们决心戒掉毒品.他们 在村口种了一棵「决心树」,提醒所有人要戒掉 毒品的决心.


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