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    2007-2009 Undergraduate Catalog
    Addictions Counselor Preparation
    Professional Certification Program Certificate
    Addictions Counselor Preparation
    The Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists oversees the following regulations for Addictions Counselors in Maryland. There are three levels of certification, two of which are relevant to the undergraduate student and are briefly described below. For complete requirements for certification, please contact: Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists 4201 Patterson Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21215-2299 (410) 764-4732 Certified Supervised Counselor – Alcohol and Drug (CSC-AD): 15 credit hours of alcohol and drug counselor training required and an associate's degree in a health or a human service counseling field. Certified Associate Counselor – Alcohol and Drug (CAC-AD): 20 credit hours of alcohol and drug counselor training required and a bachelor's degree in a health or human services counseling field. At FSU, students majoring in psychology or social work are automatically eligible, while majors in law and society or sociology will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Completing one of these degree programs AND taking the required alcohol and drug counselor training courses, are the first steps in meeting certification requirements. At the bachelor's degree level you must also have at least three years or 3000 hours of supervised experience and two years of the experience must have been completed after the award of the degree. You will also have to pass an examination selected by the Board. The credit hour requirement must be satisfied from the following content areas. Each area is followed by the appropriate FSU course(s); all are 3 credit courses except Ethics. Please be aware that although bachelor's degree counselors need only 20 credit hours from the following list to satisfy the course requirement, your examination will cover ALL CONTENT AREAS. 1. Pharmacology of Psychoactive Drugs 2. Individual Counseling Techniques 3. Group Therapy Techniques 4. Abnormal Psychology 5. Addictions Treatment Delivery 6. Treatment Issues and Theory in Addictions 7. Family Counseling* 8. Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy 9. Human Life Span Development 10. Ethics for the Addiction Counselor (1 credit hour) PSYC 386 PSYC 410, SOWK 379 PSYC 385, SOWK 473 PSYC 417 PSYC 387 PSYC 388 no undergraduate course offered no undergraduate course offered PSYC 210 and 212, SOWK 375 PSYC 389


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