• ansys分析beam188实例 > 车身结构概念设计集成系统的实现
  • 车身结构概念设计集成系统的实现

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    文档作者:Legend User
    侯文彬 ,张红哲 ,迟瑞丰 ,胡 平
    1 2 3 1
    (1.大连理工大学 汽车工程学院,辽宁 大连 116024;2. 长春理工大学 机电工程学院,吉林 长春 130021;3.吉林大学 汽车工程学院,吉林 长春 130025) 摘 要: 本文介绍集车身几何建模,分析,优化于一体的集成设计系统 VCD-ICAE.该系统支持 "分析驱 动设计"新的概念设计思想,以 CAE 技术为核心,融合模板技术,参数化技术和优化技术等先进技术,对 车身结构概念设计的整个过程进行有效的支持, 能够自动, 快速地建立参数化车身几何模型和有限元网格 模型,准确,有效地进行车身强度和模态的计算和校核,并实现以车身总体性能为设计目标的参数优化和 形状优化,为用户提供最优的产品设计方案.论文介绍了该软件的特点,功能和结构流程,给出某车型计 算实例以验证该软件的有效性. 关键词:车身设计;概念设计;优化;模板法;系统集成 中图分类号:TH45 文献标识码:A
    Development of Integrated system for conceptual design of vehicle body structure
    HOU Wen-bin1, ZHANG Hong-zhe2, CHI Rui-feng3, HU Ping1
    (1. School of Automotive Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, 116024, China; 2. College of Mechanical Electronical and Engineering, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, 130022, China; 3. College of Automotive Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, 130025, China)
    Abstract:This paper presents the integrated design system for vehicle body structure VCD-ICAE, which implements integration of body geometry modeling, analysis and optimization. The system is based on CAE technology and also merges some advanced technology such as template method, parametric technology and optimization technology. It can build parametric body geometry model and FEM mesh model rapidly and automatically. The body's stiffness and modal could be solved well and truly by the system. The parametric optimization and shape optimization of section were implemented to improve the performance of vehicle body. The system can afford user the most optimal plan for body design and support all of phase of concept body design effectively. The function and flowchart of the system were described in the paper. At last, the system was proved validity by an example of an actual car design. Key words:vehicle body design, concept design, optimization, template method, system integration
    目前, 车身结构设计方法已经发展到以并行工程为主要模式的现代车身设计方法. 在以后的设计中加以弥补[1]. 该方法要求设计与分析是并行的,车身结构分析贯穿整个设计过程,包括概念设计和详细设计阶段;优化的思 想在设计的开始阶段就被引入,以寻找最优的思想并将其贯穿于整个设计阶段[2].现代车身设计方法易于及早 发现设计中的问题,减少了设计成本,缩短了开发周期.因此它是一种以 CAE 技术为核心,集设计,分析,


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