One-Soon HER
Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan 116, R.O.C. osh@nccu.edu.tw 886-2-926142388 (mobile) 996-2-29387466 (fax)
1. INTRODUCTION Some of the most controversial issues in Chinese syntax involve basic part-ofspeech assignments, often for some of the most frequently occurring lexical items in the language. For example, are ba and bei case markers, prepositions, verbs, or something else all together (cf., Her, 1989; Ting, 1998; Sybesma, 1999; Bender, 2000) Does Chinese have adjectives or should they simply be treated as subcategories of verbs; likewise, are there prepositions in the language or should they be viewed as verbs (cf., McCawley, 1992) The list goes on. This paper deals with the controversies surrounding the part-of-speech assignments of multifunctional gei in Mandarin Chinese. One of the consequences of the issues of gei relates to dative alternations. While a common syntactic phenomenon cross-linguistically, dative alternations would be non-existent in Chinese if the postobject gei in (1) could only be a verb, just like the verb gei in (2), as initially proposed in Chao (1968) and later argued for in Huang and Mo (1992) and Huang and Ahrens (1999). (1) Lisi xie-le yi feng xin gei ta.1 Lee write-ASP one CL letter GEI she 'Lee wrote a letter to her.' (2) Lisi gei-le ta yi feng xin. Lee give-ASP she one CL letter 'Lee gave her a letter.' This paper will demonstrate that the postobject gei in (1) can be a verb as well as a preposition and that this gei-NP in fact also appears preverbally. In addition to the verbal gei and the prepositional gei, the verb gei as the head in the V-gei compounds and gei as a complementizer in the purposive clause are also argued for. These five different constructions are illustrated and named in (3a-e) and exemplified in (4a-e) respectively. (3) Five constructions of gei in Mandarin a. verbal: [gei NP2 NP1] b. postobject: [V NP1 gei NP2] c. postverbal: [V-gei NP2 NP1] d. preverbal: [gei NP2 V NP1] e. purposive: [V NP gei NP VP] (4) a. Lisi gei-le ta yi feng xin. Lee give-ASP she one CL letter 'Lee gave her a letter.'
- 5see银子 > cross-linguistically
下载该文档 文档格式:PDF 更新时间:2010-03-01 下载次数:0 点击次数:1文档基本属性 文档语言: Simplified Chinese 文档格式: pdf 文档作者: 2010-2013年中国红黄丹市场调查分析及投资前景发展预测报告|中国市场报告网 关键词: 2010-2013年中国红黄丹市场调查分析及投资前景发展预测报告 主题: 《2010-2013年中国红黄丹市场调查分析及投资前景发展预测报告》 备注: 报告名称:《2010-2013年中国红黄丹市场调查分析及投资前景发展预测报告》 报告编号:306511 咨询电话:4006-12-8668、010-60877066、010-60877067、010-60877068 网址:http://www.360BaoGao.com/2009-12/2010_2013honghuangdanshichangdiaBaoGao.html 点击这里显示更多文档属性 经理: 中国市场报告网_2010-2013年中国红黄丹市场调查分析及投资前景发展预测报告 单位: 2010-2013年中国红黄丹市场调查分析及投资前景发展预测报告_中国市场报告网 分类: 2010-2013年中国红黄丹市场调查分析及投资前景发展预测报告 doc版 创建时间: 上次保存者: 修订次数: 编辑时间: 文档创建者: 修订: 加密标识: 幻灯片: 段落数: 字节数: 备注: 演示格式: 上次保存时间:
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