2011 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题参考答案
客观题 1-5 ACBDD;6-10 BACCA;11-15 DBACA;16-20 CDACD 21-25BBDAA;26-30DBCBB;31-35BDCDB;36-40DCBAC; 41-45EDCFG 46.翻译 有谁会想到,在全球范围内,IT 行业产生的温室气体跟全球航空公司产生的一样多 占二氧化碳总排量的 2%. 很多日常工作对环境造成了让人震惊的破坏作用.根据你查询正确答案的尝试次数,谷歌搜索引擎会插手 0.2-7 克的二氧化碳的排放量.要快速将结果传递给用户,谷歌必须用强大和大量的计算机系统来维护全 球巨大的数据库中心.这些计算机在散发大量热量的同时也产生大量的二氧化碳气体.所以中心处理器必 须要有很好的散热装备,然而却耗能更多. 英语(二)小作文范文: A Letter to Liming Jan-15-2011 Dear Liming, Congraduate on you success in passing the entrance examination. Now, please allow me to give you some suggestion during your holidays. First of all, you should read. Because it makes a full man. Reading during the holiday helps you get the habit of it that when you become a freshman. College life is so plentiful but reading is the most important thing. Second, to do some housework can bring you another feelings. Once you get into the college, you must do the things for yourself, including washing, clear the room and shedule your daily life and etc. However, reading and housework doesn't mean all of your holiday. You need contact with your
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friends or communicate with them. The reason is that old friends will be in your memory and new friends will be there. And we all know that the friendship among senior school. From the things I mentioned above, hope they will bring you a richful life in your college. Zhangwei 英语二大作文范文 As can be seen clearly from the chart, the market share taken by domestic car brands increased rapidly from 25% in 20008 to nearly 35% in 2009, while conversely, the market share owned by Japanese car brands dropped by 10% from 35% in 2008 to 25% in 2008. What's more, the market share taken by American car brands is on the upward trend, from 10% to nearly 15%. Three reasons, in my opinion, can account for the changes in car market in these two years. First, the rise of Chinese cars is of little surprise as we have seen Chinese enterprises' commitment to developing self-owned technologies, which not only free them from potential risks, but also bring about long-term benefit. Second, Japanese cars, which used to be highly praised for their outstanding quality and superior stability, is now reeling from a crisis of confidence. Last, the improvement of American cars' performance must be attributed to the smart marketing strategy employed by American sellers. They launched a lot of marketing campaigns designed specially for Chinese market, which won them applaud as well as benefit. In order to maintain the good momentum of development, domestic cars should on one hand stick to their self-independent policy, and on the other, learn some experiences from Japanese car's failures and Americans' success.
- 2011年研究生英语试题 > 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题参考答案
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