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    Letter of the President
    Greetings from Purdue University and congratulations to the Association of Purdue Chinese Alumni for the work you are doing. Purdue is an international university. Of the 4,994 international students enrolled at Purdue in 2007 fall, there are nearly 800 students from China, ranking third behind India and South Korea. In addition, this past year, nearly 200 Purdue students studied in China, an all-time high. Purdue has the second-largest international student enrollment of any public university in the United States. We have the third-largest international student population among all U.S. universities. And for the past three years we have annually enrolled more than 400 international freshmen, a Purdue record! There are two reasons for this. First — it is because students from every corner of the earth know about the tremendous learning opportunities at our great university. And second – it is because we work very hard to bring top students from around the world to our international campus community.
    Dr. France A. Córdova President, Purdue University


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