• 腹腔镜如何治疗阑尾炎 > 腹腔镜三孔法与二孔法阑尾切除术戳孔 感染率的对比研究
  • 腹腔镜三孔法与二孔法阑尾切除术戳孔 感染率的对比研究

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:PDF   更新时间:2011-03-19   下载次数:0   点击次数:2
    文章编号 :1009 - 6612(2002) 03 - 0155 - 02
    李波,胡三元 ,张光永 ,张强①(山东大学第二医院 ,济南 250033)
    【摘要】 目的 :探讨腹腔镜三孔法与二孔法阑尾切除术戳孔感染率不同的原因及预防措施.方法 :回顾
    总结腹腔镜阑尾切除术 176 例的临床资料 ,对三孔法与二孔法阑尾切除术戳孔感染率进行对比研究.结果 :
    慢性阑尾炎与急性单纯性阑尾炎采用二孔法时戳孔感染率与三孔法差异无显著性 ( P > 0105) ,急性化脓性
    阑尾炎及坏疽性阑尾炎 ,二孔法戳孔感染率显著高于三孔法 ( P < 0101) .结论 :二孔法腹腔镜阑尾切除术与
    【关键词】 阑尾切除术 ,腹腔镜 ;戳孔感染率
    中图分类号 :R574161 文献标识码 :A
    Comparative research between the three2hole method and the two2hole method
    in the laparoscopic appendectomy
    Li Bo ,Hu Sanyuan ,Zhang Guangyong ,et al
    (Dept1of General Surgery ,The Second Hospital of Shandong University ,Jinan 250033)
    【Abstract】 Objective :To explore the difference of the rate of incision infections between the three2hole method
    and the two2hole method in the laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) , and find effective measures to prevent incision
    infections1Methods :Retrospective study was carried out in 176 cases of appendicitis treated by the three2hole method or
    the two2hole method in the LA ,comparative research on the rate of incision infection between the two methods was
    done1Results :The rate of the incision infection was not significantly different ( P > 0105) between chronic appendicitis
    and acute simple appendicitis treated by the two methods , but was significantly different ( P < 0101) between acute sup2
    purative and gangrenous appendicitis1Conclusions :Compared with the three2hole method ,the two2hole method has its own
    indication and contraindication in the LA1
    【Key words】 Appendectomy ,laparoscopy ;The rate of incision infection
    腹腔镜阑尾切除术 (Laparoscopic Appendectomy ,
    LA) ,现已成为治疗阑尾炎的首选方法1
    的四孔法逐渐演变为三孔法 ,并成为标准的腹腔镜
    阑尾切除术式.在此基础上 ,自1992 年 ,开始尝试
    用二孔法行阑尾切除术2 ,3
    .1998 年3月至 2002 年3月我们用三孔法行阑尾切除术 118 例 ,二孔法阑
    尾切除术 58 例 ,对两组手术戳孔感染率进行了回顾
    性对比研究 ,现报告如下.
    1 资料与方法
    111 临床资料 三孔法组 118 例中男 76 例 ,女 42 例,14~


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