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  • 香港大学专业进修学院

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    Summer 2009 夏季号
    香港大学专业进修学院 School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong 第三十九期 Issue No. 39
    HKU SPACE enrolment hitting the two million mark
    何颖梓 (左) 乃学院第二百万人次的学 生,於 7 月初获院长李焯芬教授 (右) 颁 发证书.何颖梓不但是终生学习的拥护 者,她亦随著学院发展成长.90 年代, 她开始於学院修读证书课程.近年,她 进修的目标则以兴趣为主,报读学院的 韩语课程. The two-millionth student enrolled in HKU SPACE is Ho Wing-tze (left), who was awarded the certificate by Professor C.F. Lee (right), the Director, in early July. A faithful believer in lifelong learning, Ho has grown up with the School ever since she took her very first certificate programme at HKU SPACE in the 1990's. Instead of academic pursuits, she has recently taken courses for her personal interest. Right now she is enrolled in a Korean language course.
    香学院自 1956 年成立以来,每年报读人次超过 10 万,於今年年初,报名人次更冲破二百万,正
    港踏入知识型经济,愈来愈多在职人士透过持续进修,不断增值以配合瞬息万变的社会步伐. 好印证上述趋势.
    品牌推广 带动学习新气象
    刷新报名人次之际,学院近日推出富前瞻性的品牌推广活动.当中的概念,推行策略等均耳目一新, 藉此鼓励更多人进修,提升自我. 是次品牌推广活动希望将学院的优势更形象化,使人想起进修便联想到 HKU SPACE.整个计划善用 既定的预算开支,重新整合不同的宣传媒体,将学院品牌讯息传递开去,达到更佳的协同效应. recent years, Hong Kong has seen the rise of a knowledge-based economy which explains why more and more of the working population are pursuing further education as a means to add value and to cope with the changing needs of society. As a leading institute in continuing education in Hong Kong and a case in point, HKU SPACE has hit the mark of enrolling two million students earlier this year.
    A new horizon in marketing
    Apart from reaching new heights in enrolment figures, HKU SPACE just launched a branding campaign imbued with forward thinking and aspiring vision. Groundbreaking concepts and brand identity strategies have been employed to draw attention from the public.
    世界级伦敦大学课程 灵活合不同进修人士修读
    University of London External System: World-class programmes that allow flexibility
    「创建知识型社会」— 利德蕙参议员
    Building a Learning Society — Senator Vivienne Poy


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