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    美 国 研 究
    季 刊 AMERICAN STUDIES 第7卷 3 月 5 日出版 1993 年第 1 期
    抗日战争时期中国共产党的对美政策 张歆海与中美关系 ——对一个中国知识分子兼外交官的思想初探 亨利卢斯, 《时代》周刊与四十年代中美关系 乔治凯南对华认识及政策主张(1947-1949) 布什政府的全球战略 一个具有重大意义的主题 ——从特纳的"边疆假说"谈起 酒店——十七世纪马里兰社会的中心 从《曼哈顿中转站》到《美国》三部曲 赛珍珠笔下的中国农民 从移民的视角探索美国 ——读邓蜀生著《美国与移民》 本期责任编辑: 赵 梅 编辑出版 中华美国学 中国社会科学院美国研究所 照排 中国社会科学院美国研究所 印刷装钉 北京仰山印刷厂 发行,订阅处 中国社会科学院美国研究所 北京建国门内大街 5 号 刊号 ISSN1002-8986/CN11-1170/C@ 国外代号 Q1122 国外发行
    陶文钊(4) 吴丹虹(14) 许 静(23) 张小明(32) 刘绪贻(40) 何顺果(46) 李小雄(52) 朱世达(58) 赵 梅(65) 杨玉圣(72)
    《美国研究》1993 年春季号
    中国国际图书贸易总公司 北京 399 信箱 定价: 国内版 3.00 元 国际版 3.00 美元(邮费在外)
    AMERICAN STUDIES Spring 1993 CONTENTS THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY'S U.S. POLICY DURING CHINA'S WAR OF RESISTANCE AGAINST JAPAN Tao Wenzhao(4) The author examines the evolution of the CCP's U.S. policy from the end of 1935 to August 1945, dividing the whole period into four phases. The major factors causing the evolution, such as the Party's ideology, the changing circumstances, the Comintern's directives and the Soviet influence, KMT-CCP relations, and US-Soviet relations, are also discussed. CHANG HSIN-HAI AND SINO-U.S. RELATIONS Wu Danhong(14) In his later years while residing in the United States, Chang Hsin-Hai, a Kuomintang diplomat of the 1930's, devoted himself to promoting understanding between China and America. In the dark years (1950's-1960's) of Sino-U.S. relations, he contributed to improving the relations together with Li Tsungren, Edgar Snow and patriotic overseas Chinese. HENRY LUCE, TIME, AND SINO-U.S. RELATIONS IN THE 1940'S Xu Jing(23) Henry Luce, the founder of Time, used the magazine to influence Sino-U.S. relations. Studying Luce's thinking on China and the tendentiousness of Time's articles on China in the 1940's, the author argues that only when the great disparities in ideologies, values and cultural traditions were skipped over could Sino-U.S. relations be successfully promoted. GEORGE KENNAN'S VIEWS ON CHINA AND ON U.S. CHINA POLICY (1947-1949) Zhang Xiaoming(32) George Kennan's views on China and on China policy (1947-1949) were affected by his personal experience and international environments. His proposition on China policy may be summed up as: (1) extricating from China; (2) driving a "wedge" between the Chinese Communist Party and the Soviet Union; (3) U.S. occupation of Taiwan and the Penghu Islands. His views on China's situation Vol. 7, No. 1


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