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  • 中学地理科常用英汉辞汇

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in the Teaching of Geography in Secondary Schools
    Personal, Social and Humanities Education Section Curriculum Development Institute The Education Bureau HKSAR 2007 香港特别行政区 教育局 课程发展处 个人,社会及人文教育组 二零零七
    Page v vii 1-121 122-151
    Preamble Explanatory Notes The Glossary of Geographical Terms The Glossary of GIS Terms
    页数 引言 使用说明 地理辞汇 地理信息系统辞汇 v vii 1-121 122-151
    This glossary provides Chinese translations of those English terms commonly used in the teaching of Geography at secondary level for the reference of teachers, students and other stakeholders. All comments and suggestions on the glossary are welcome and may be sent to: Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Personal, Social and Humanities Education) Curriculum Development Institute Education Bureau 13th Floor, Wu Chung House 213, Queen's Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong Fax: 2573 5299 E-mail: ccdopshe@edb.gov.hk

    本辞汇提供中学地理科在教学中常用英文词语的中文翻译,以备教师,学生及其他 持份者参考.欢迎各界对本辞汇提出意见和建议.来函请送交: 香港湾仔皇后大道东 213 号胡忠大厦 13 楼 教育局课程发展处 总课程发展主任(个人,社会及人文教育) 传真:2573 5299 电邮:ccdopshe@edb.gov.hk
    Explanatory notes
    1. This glossary is divided into two parts for easy reference of teachers. The first part includes geographical terms while the second part comprises GIS terms commonly used in the learning and teaching of geography in secondary schools. Synonyms are given in brackets. For example: cirque (corrie, cwm) 冰斗 When more than one Chinese translations are given for an English term, the Chinese translations are separated by a semicolon. The first version denotes a preferred version than the latter one. For example: sustainable development 可持续发展;永续发展 Where an English term has different meanings, the corresponding Chinese translations are preceded by numerals (1), (2) … For example: capital (1) 资本 , (2) 首都 Where it is possible to use an abbreviated version of a Chinese term, the omission is given in square brackets. For example exfoliation 页状剥落 [作用] Explanatory notes for Chinese terms are given in brackets. For example: Minamata disease 水俣病 (日)


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