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  • Acknowledgements

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    Copyright by Susana Lucia Kugeares 2002
    The Dissertation Committee for Susana Lucia Kugeares certifies that this is the approved version of the following dissertation:
    Social Anxiety in Dating Initiation: An Experimental Investigation of an Evolved Mating-Specific Anxiety Mechanism
    Committee: ____________________________________ Michael J. Telch, Supervisor ____________________________________ David M. Buss, Co-supervisor ____________________________________ Patrick K. Randall ____________________________________ Cindy Meston ____________________________________ Devendra Singh ____________________________________ Frank Wicker
    Social Anxiety in Dating Initiation: An Experimental Investigation of an Evolved Mating-Specific Anxiety Mechanism
    by Susana Lucia Kugeares, B.A., M.A.
    Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Texas at Austin in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
    Doctor of Philosophy
    The University of Texas at Austin December, 2002
    To my family
    Without question, the undertaking of this dissertation project has been the most grueling but most rewarding task of my life thus far. Even years ago when I was only entering graduate school (before the turn of this century), I recognized the enormous fortitude and courage this project would require of me and the commensurate pride that I would feel if I accomplished it. My premonitions turned out to be true. But what I had not predicted was how great the contributions from others would be in order for this project to move from birth to completion, like a child that took a village to raise it. Part of that village was in Austin, when I started this project. Thanks goes to Dr. Judy Langlois who generously let me use faces from her research on attractiveness to pilot my study, and to Jasper Smits, whose help on little things was actually quite big. Thanks also to Dr. Jan Kamphuis, one of the most gifted writers I have met, for his invaluable editorial comments on earlier drafts (and for using the word 'elegant' to describe my study). I play back that tape and have not forgotten your help. On this project and in the development of my professional confidence in general, I will always owe you at least a little thanks for the seeds you planted. The UT Psychology Department has been blessed with some of the most capable and skilled computer support staff that I have come across in any setting v


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