• mfc71.dll下载 > windowsactive:active在web上使用小结
  • windowsactive:active在web上使用小结

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    windowsactive:active在web上使用小结 ,windows环境
    疯狂代码 http://CrazyCoder.cn/ :http:/CrazyCoder.cn/DataBase/Article18579.html 环境:winxp + vc2003 1.也算不上原创大多是从msdn和书上来转载请保留作者:http://www.ctag.cn 或http://blog.csdn.net/waterpub而且很古老日记了翻出来贴在这里 有用着就看看把msn:jinglexy at yahoo.com.cn 2.创建个activex项目记下clsid号Dependency查看依赖库:msvcr71.dll, msvcp71.dll, MFC71.dll 3.使用cab sdk打包: CABARC.EXE n active5.CAB active5.inf active5.ocx msvcp71.dll MFC71.dll msvcr71.dll inf编写如下:(修改里面Control控件名和clsid号) ; = active5.inf
    ; This .inf file will control the ation of the MFC Spindial ; control. This control has been compiled with Visual C version 4.2. ; The FileVersion tags in the dependent DLLs section _disibledevent=> AdvancedINF=2.0 [Add.Code] active5.ocx=active5.ocx ; These are the necessary supporting DLLs for MFC 4.2 ActiveX Controls mfc71.dll=mfc71.dll msvcr71.dll=msvcr71.dll msvcp71.dll=msvcp71.dll ; thiscab is a keyword which, in this , means that active5.ocx ; can be found in the same .cab file as this .inf file
    ; file-win32-x86 is an x86 platform specic identier ; See the ActiveX SDK - ActiveX Controls - Internet Component Download ; Packaging component code for automatic download [active5.ocx] file-win32-x86=thiscab ; *** add your controls CLSID here *** clsid={954C7F44-564F-4A19-8701-3C2A0327B6D0} ; Add your ocx\'s file version here. FileVersion=1,0,0,1 RegisterServer=yes ; dependent DLLs [MFC71.dll] file-win32-x86=thiscab RegisterServer=no DestDir=11 FileVersion=7,10,3077,0 [msvcr71.dll] file-win32-x86=thiscab RegisterServer=no DestDir=11 FileVersion=7,10,3052,4 [msvcp71.dll] file-win32-x86=thiscab RegisterServer=no DestDir=11 FileVersion=7,10,3077,0 ; end of spindial.inf =
    4.生成spc证书: makecert /sv \"key.pvk\" /n \"CN=hojydotcom\" VicAli.cer cert2spc VicAli.cer VicAli.spc 5.对cab文件签名运行vs2003signcode.exe选择cab文件spc及pvk证书 密钥使用md5算法 6.web方式: 当clsid不存在时会下载activexControl控件并安装 7.web显示设置安全级别为低 8.以上测试通过工具或配置文件编写参考msdn 9.到微软处购买证书(也可能是中国个部门具体情况不太清楚了) 2009-2-12 3:54:33 疯狂代码 http://CrazyCoder.cn/
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