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  • wwwthewriterslifecom/mastermind

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    The Power of a Focused Mind
    Website Mistakes to Avoid Monthly Paychecks from Wall Street The Secret of Great Writing China: Best Places to Travel Retire This Year
    FALL 2008
    How to Train Like a Modern Day Gladiator 7 Steps to an Ageless Brain How to Avoid Knee Surgery Protect Yourself From Violent Crime
    Retire This Year!
    …and Still Make More Money Than Most Doctors
    You Can Do It — Once You Know the Proven Secrets to Writing Simple Letters for the $2.3 Trillion Direct-Response Industry
    Few know it, but there's a modest fortune to be made writing simple letters for the huge and ever-growing directresponse industry. You see these letters in your mailbox everyday. They do everything from persuade you to buy a product or service…to donate money to a needy charity. But it's the Internet that's fueling the huge demand for writers these days, as more and more direct marketers are finding eager, willing buyers online.
    How much can you earn Anywhere from $50,000 in your spare time — to $300,000 (or more) writing one successful —Paul H., Dorset, VT letter a month. And you can make this kind of money from anywhere in the world. No more commutes…no more bosses! Best of all you don't need to be a naturally gifted writer! All you need are very basic writing skills — and the "masters' secrets" to writing a winning, persuasive sales letter. That's where American Writers & Artists Inc. comes in. We are a company of working copywriters who have helped hundreds of people like you trade in their work-a-day world for the rewarding life of a freelance copywriter. To learn more about this little-known yet highly lucrative niche of the writing market, visit our website at www.thewriterslife.com/mastermind, or call 1-866-879-2924 and mention Mastermind magazine, Offer Code PAWII9S6.
    "I quit my job, and moved my family to the countryside. Today I'm making eight times the money I was making – over $400,000 a year!"
    "I Gave Up Weight Training to follow a top secret 15-minutes per day routine of bodyweight exercises and…


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