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  • 基于M odbus 污水处理变频供水控制系统的设计

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    文档标题:基于 M odbus 污水处理变频供水控制 系统的设计
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    基于 M odbus 污水处理变频供水控制 系统的设计 张辉, 李树君, 温琦, 王志, 刘艳阳 ( 中国农业机械化科学研究院, 北京 100083) 摘要: 通过对现有供水系统的调研和分析, 设计了一种基于 Modbus 通信的变频恒压供水系统。该系统 能够根据管网压力信号自动调整泵的运行状态, 实现无级流量调整。同时由于设计了 PID 控制程序, 水泵可 以自动启停, 自动控制运行频率, 真正做到了用水和供水的动态平衡, 有效地节约了能源。此外, 在系统中还 引入了组态软件对供水系统进行远程监控与管理, 具有良好人机界面。现场运行的结果表明, 本系统具有很 好的可扩展性、灵活性和可靠性。 关键词: M o dbus; 组态软件; 变频供水; 污水处理 中图分类号: T H 137. 51 文献标识码: B Design of Frequency Conversion Water Supply Control System of Sewage Disposal Based on Modbus ZHANG Hui, LI Shujun,WEN Qi, WANG Zhi, LIU Yanyang (Chinese Academy of A gricultural Mechaniz ation Sciences, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract:After survey and analysis of recent water supply system, the frequency conversion constant pres sure water supply system with Modbus communication was designed. T he system adopts frequency conversion speed regulating measure to adjust rotating speed of the motors of water pumps,and to keep continuous flow adjustment. M oreover, PID algorithm is introduced to realize variable speed control and ensure dynam ic balance between water supply and water consumption,which has saved energy effectively. Furthermore,configuration software is applied for remote surveillance and remote control. The result of practical operation on site shows that the system features have excellent expandability,flexibility and dependability. Key words: M odbus; co nfiguration so ftw are; fr equencyconversion w ater supply; sew age disposal 作者简介: 张辉( 1980- ) , 男, 博士研究生, Email: ad. zhan ghui@ gmail. com 人类对水资源的需求以惊人的速度扩大, 同 时, 日益严重的水污染蚕食着大量可供消费的水 资源。近年来, 国家对水环境的保护不断增强, 对 污水处理过程自动化程度要求不断提高, 利用先


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