• 邓小平发展是硬道理 > 效率·公平·发展
  • 效率·公平·发展

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    ?????????????? ??????????????? ? 效率·公平·发展



    陈潭? 王立军[ ]

    ?????????????????? (湖南师范大学公共管理学院,长沙 410081;苏州大学政治与公共管理学院,苏州 215021


    [摘 要] 邓小平政策制定思想的形成与发展有着科学的理论基础和丰富的实践基础,它不仅为当代中国社会发展的政策实践提供了科学的依据,而且为中国改革开放事业在二十一世纪的全面发展和繁荣指明了前进的方向。通观邓小平政策制定思想,我们可以看到:效率其核心,公平其关键,发展其目的。通过对邓小平制定思想的依据、原则、特点与方法的揭示,可以清楚地领略到效率、公平和发展的政策制定观对于中国社会主义现代化建设的重大理论意义与实践意义。

    关键词] 效率?? 公平?? 发展  邓小平  政策制定思想

    [Abstract] The forming and developing of Deng XiaoPing’s policy have scientific theory and abundant practice foundation, it has not only effected the scientific basis of policy practice of the contemporary Chinese social development, but also pointing out the advanced direction of reform and opening up of china in all round way in the 21-century and the prosperity of Chinese undertaking development. Viewing Deng Xiaoping’s thought of policy- making thoroughly, we can know that efficiency is a core, fairness is its key,? development is its purpose. Have hinted the bases , the principles, the characteristics and the methods? of Deng Xiaoping’s thought of policy-making, we can grasp clearly the great theory meaning and practice meaning of the policy-making view of efficiency, equity, development in the china’s socialism modernization construction.


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