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  • Master in Religious Studies {0>宗教学硕士班(天主教神学研...

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    Master in Religious Studies {0>宗教学硕士班(天主教神学研究方向)<}0{> <0} {0>招生简章<}0{> <0} {0>一、办学宗旨<}0{>Ⅰ. Aims <0} {0>面对现代社会,加深对天主教神学的整体理解和认识,提升天主教信仰水平,并获得国际承认的学位证书.<}0{>To promote awareness and understanding of Catholic theology, to deepen one's Catholic faith and to receive a degree and diploma of international recognition.<0} {0>二、报名条件<}0{>Ⅱ. Admission requirements<0} {0>1、大学本科毕业(毕业证书及学士学位证书)<}0{>ⅰ. University Degree (Graduation Certificate and Bachelor's Degree Certificate)<0} {0>2、大学本科同等学历(①大学本科毕业,无学士学位证书;②完成大学四年课程并获得大学颁发的结业证书;③国内神学院毕业证书)<}0{>ⅱ. Academic degree equivalent to that of a Bachelor (①Graduation Certificate but without Bachelor's Degree Certificate; ②having studied a four-year course with a Certificate of Completion issued by a university; ③Theological Seminary Graduation Certificate in China)<0} {0>3、大专毕业(毕业证书)(毕业后有5年工作经验)<}0{>ⅲ. Junior College (College Diploma with 5 years working experience after graduation)<0} {0>4、大学本科同等学历,大专毕业(毕业后有5年工作经验)的非大学本科毕业者,需同时提交全国英语等级考试(PETS)二级证书<}100{>ⅳ. Having graduated from a university or college without a degree or have attained a level equivalent to that of a Bachelor or have worked for over 5 years after graduation from Junior College, submitting at the same time the PETS-2<0} Certificate. {0>三、课程设置<}100{>Ⅲ. Modules<0} {0>1、圣经旧约<}100{>ⅰ. Scripture: Old Testament<0} {0>2、圣经新约<}78{>ⅱ. Scripture: New Testament<0} {0>3、基督宗教历史<}0{>ⅲ. History of Christianity<0} {0>4、基本神学<}0{>ⅳ. Fundamental Theology<0} {0>5、信理神学<}0{>ⅴ. Dogmatic Theology<0} {0>6、伦理神学<}78{>ⅵ. Moral Theology<0} {0>7、礼仪神学<}0{>ⅶ. Liturgical Theology<0} {0>8、梵二文献及社会教义<}0{>ⅷ. Documents of the Second Vatican Council & Social Doctrine {0>9、宗教比较学(或中国传统文化)<}0{>Ⅸ. Introduction to Chinese Culture (or Comparative Religion)<0} {0>10、系列讲座(每年6次)<}100{>Ⅹ.Seminar Series (6 times per year)<0} {0>11、论文及答辩(非报名条件中大学本科毕业者,需与论文一并提交全国英语等级考试[PETS]三级证书)<}100{>Ⅺ. Dissertation and Defense (non university graduates need to submit the PETS-3 Certificate)<0} {0>四、课程时限<}100{>Ⅳ. Schedule <0} {0>本学士课程学制两年,每周六下午2:00-6:00 上课.<}100{>This course is two years in length. Classes are held from 2 to 6 pm every Saturday. 6 Seminars are offered in each school year. <0}{0>全部课堂授课共228课时,自修研读共136课时.<}100{>There are a total of 228 sessions of class and 136 sessions of self-study.<0} {0>五、部分师资介绍<}100{>Ⅴ. Teaching Staff {0>赵建敏 博士,教会法典,比利时鲁汶天主教大学(北京天主教与文化研究所所长)<}0{>ZHAO Jianmin, Doctorate in Canon Law, Catholic University of Louvain (Director of Beijing Institute for the Study of Christianity and Culture)<0} {0>Dennis Rochford 博士,宗教学,比利时鲁汶天主教大学(澳门高等校际学院基督宗教研究学院主任)<}0{>Dennis ROCHFORD, PhD in Religious Studies & Theology, Catholic University of Louvain (Dean of the School of Christian Studies, Macau Inter-University Institute)<0} Jean Paul WIEST, PhD in Chinese History, Washington University, Seattle, USA LIU Zhanyou, Doctorate in Dogmatic Theology, Urbaniana, Rome CHEN Binshan, Doctorate in Systematic Theology, Ludwig Maximilian University, Germany WANG Heping, Master & Doctoral candidate in Ethics and Social Theory, Chicago, USA Gianni CRIVELLER, PhD in Theology, Naples, Italy LI Zhixiang, PhD in Biblic Theology, Urbaniana, Rome ZHANG Qiulin, PhD in Sacred Liturgy, Catholic University of America, USA YANG Xiaoting, PhD in Dogmatic Theology, Urbaniana, Rome WU Liwei, PhD in History, Renmin University, Beijing CHEN Zhixiong, PhD in History of Modern China, Sun Yat-sen University JIAO Yanmei, Doctorate in Ministry, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, USA Cyril Jerome Law, Jr. MA in Philosophy, Holy Apostles Seminary College, USA YAO Shun, Licentiate in Sacred Liturgy, St. John's University in Minnesota, USA XU Honggen, Licentiate in Holy Scripture, Catholic Theological Union at Chicago, USA YANG Yu, Licentiate in Systematic Theology, University of St. Mary of the Lake, USA WU Guiqin, Licentiate in Psychology, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines ZHANG Kexiang, Master in Moral Theology, Seton Hall University, USA. {0>六、证书颁发<}0{>Ⅵ. Graduation {0>通过所有课程考试,并通过硕士论文答辩者,获得葡萄牙天主教大学与澳门高等校际学院联合颁发的宗教学硕士学位证书.<}0{>SrtuStudents who pass all exams and successfully defend the Dissertation will receive the Graduation Diploma of the Master in Religious Study jointly issued by Catholic University of Portugal and Macau Inter-University Institute (testamur). <0} {0>七、学费(2008级)<}0{>Ⅶ. Tuition (2008)<0} {0>第一学年2100元(不含澳门高等校际学院注册费),注册时交纳.<}0{>First school year: RMB 2200 (excluding enrollment fee for Macau Inter-University Institute), to be paid upon registration. <0}{0>第二学年2100元(不含论文答辩费,学位证书制作费),第二学年开课时交纳.<}0{>SsS S Second school year: RMB 2200 (excluding Dissertation Defense fee), to be paid at the beginning of the second school year.<0} {0>其他费用如书籍资料费、食宿费、交通费由学员自理.<}0{>Other fees such as the purchase of textbooks, accommodation, food and transport costs are students' own responsibility.<0 {0>正式开课后不退学费.<}0{>The tuition is non-fundable after lessons start. <0} {0>优秀硕士论文可获得研究所颁发的上智奖学金(硕士生)1500元.<}0{>StudentStudents with a Master's Dissertation of excellent quality will receive the Sapientia Scholarship (for Master degree) RMB 1500 by the Institute.<0} {0>八、报名办法<}0{>Ⅷ. Application Information<0} {0>1、报名截止时间:2008年9月1日,额满为止(30人).<}0{>ⅰ. Dead line: Sep. 1st, 2008. Maximum number of 30 students. {0>2、报名手续:(1)填写报名表 (2)身份证复印件 (3)近期正面免冠二寸照片2张(4)招生条件中各类证书的复印件 (5)公开发表过的文章亦可提交复印件 (6)报名费50元<}0{>ⅱ. Application: ① Fill in the application form; ② ID card and copy; ③ a recent photo (2 inches); ④copies of all certificates mentioned in admission requirements; ⑤copies of the published articles; ⑥ application fee: RMB 50<0} {0>3、经审查合格者,发给录取通知书.<}0{>ⅲ. Letter of acceptance will be issued to successful applicants upon examination. <0}{0>未被录取者退还报名费.<}0{>Application fees will be returned to those who are not enrolled.<0} {0>4、上课地点:西什库天主堂西侧原三十九中院内(西皇城根北街10号).<}0{>ⅳ. Class venue: No. 10, Northern Street of West Huang Chenggen, Beijing<0} {0>5、报名表下载:www.shangzhi.org <}0{>ⅴ. Application form can be downloaded from: www.shangzhi.org<0} {0>6、硕士学位证书样本:www.shangzhi.org <}0{><0}{0>7、报名地点:宣武门教堂(前门西大街141号)院内上智编译馆办公室(每周日上午9:00-12:00)<}0{>VI. Enrollment address: the office of Sapientia Press House?in South Cathedral (No. 141, West Street of Qianmen) (every Sunday 9:00 am – 12:00 am)<0} {0>8、咨询电话:010-66050826, 电子邮件:shangzhi@shangzhi.org <}0{>VII.. Inquiry: 010-66050826; E-mail: shangzhi@shangzhi.org<0}
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