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  • 种养殖技术

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    种养殖技术 广西 本文由【中文word文档库】www.wordwendang.com 搜集整理.中文word文档库免费提供海量教学资料、行业资料、范文模板、应用文书、考试学习和社会经济等word文档 项目名称:八角低产林综合改造技术 15 项目名称:油茶良种栽培技术 15 项目名称:芳樟醇型樟树快速繁殖技术试验示范 16 项目名称:面向东盟国家的广西农科院"国际科技合作基地" 17 项目名称:高产、高糖的桂糖系列甘蔗品种 17 项目名称:优质高产薯类作物新品种、新技术 18 项目名称:糖厂酒精发酵液的环保资源化利用 18 项目名称:成熟适用的植物组培苗技术 19 项目名称:优质高产杂交水稻 19 项目名称:多种多样的食用菌 20 项目名称:优质高产的玉米、大豆、红薯新品种 20 项目名称:木薯育种和栽培国际科技合作基地 21 项目名称:柑桔优质高产栽培技术 23 种养殖技术 广西 项目名称:八角低产林综合改造技术 Name of Project: Comprehensive technique for altering low-yield plantation of star aniseed 项目简介:应用本技术,通过对现有八角低产林分进行综合改造,能在2~3年内显著提高八角果产量.在中国广西、广东八角产区,实施改造后的八角林与对照比较,成林增产64.2%~86.8%,中龄林增产达188.3%以上,最高增产达22.9倍.该项技术达到中国国内同类研究领先水平,适于在八角产区推广应用. 英文:Low-yield plantation of star aniseed is improved by using the comprehensive techniques which could increase the star aniseed production notably within 2 to 3 years. In aniseed production area in Guangxi and Guangxi, compared with the control, the yield of improved plantation is increased by 64.2%~86.8%, the yield of middle-aged plantation is increased by more than 188.3%, and the highest increase rate is 22.9 times. This technique is in the leading position of the same area nationwide and suitable for extension in star aniseed production area. 单位名称:广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院 Name of Institution: Guangxi Forestry Research Institute 联系人:陈国臣 电话:0771-2319859 传真:0771-2319819 地址:广西南宁市邕武路23号Address: 23 Yongwu Road, Nanning City, Guangxi, P.R. China 邮编:530002 项目名称:油茶良种栽培技术 Name of Project: Cultivation technique of superior species of Camellia 项目简介:本技术包括品种选择、造林地的选择和规划、造林技术、抚育管理、病虫害综合防治等方面内容.广西林科院在良种选育、丰产栽培技术、种质资源基因库建立和优良基因开发利用等方面取得显著成果.选育出岑溪软枝油茶、岑软2号、3号等优良油茶品系36个,其丰产林分平均年产茶油375kg/hm2以上,最高可达600kg/hm2以上. 英文:This technique includes species selection, site selection, planning, silviculture, tending, pest and disease management, etc. Guangxi Forestry Research Institute generates notable achievements in superior species selection and improvement, high-yield cultivation technique, establishment of germ plasm gene bank and development of superior gene. Thirty six superior species of camellia including Cenxi soft-branch camellia No. 2 and 3, etc. are selected and developed. Mean annual yield of camellia of high-yield plantation is above 375kg/hm2, the highest reaches more than 600kg/hm2. 单位名称:广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院 Name of Institution: Guangxi Forestry Research Institute 联系人:陈国臣 电话:0771-2319859 传真:0771-2319819 地址:广西南宁市邕武路23号Address: 23 Yongwu Road, Nanning City, Guangxi, P.R. China 邮编:530002 项目名称:芳樟醇型樟树快速繁殖技术试验示范 Name of Project: ?Demonstration of rapid propagation technique of Cinnamomum Camphora Var. Linaloolifera, Fujita 项目简介:枝叶精油中主要成分为"芳樟醇"的樟树称为芳樟醇型樟树;"芳樟醇"是香水香料、日用化工产品香精及皂用香精配方中使用频率最高的香料品种.广西林业科院经过多年的攻关研究,以优良单株一年生枝条为外植体研究出芳樟醇型樟树组培快繁系列技术,选育出的广林香樟90、95、100、101号等4个高产优质无性系,2005年被广西林木品种审定委员会认定为良种(良种编号:桂R-SC-CC-007-2005).四个优良无性系组培苗叶油得率1.4%以上,其中樟脑含量低于0.01%、含醇量大于98.09%、芳樟醇含量大于95.38%,三项指标符合"QB/T2240—96"技术指标要求.芳樟醇型樟树优良无性系的叶油生产工艺简单,产品无需经过复杂的化工分离体提纯,可直接应用于化工和食品香料调配. 英文:Cinnamomum Camphora Var. Linaloolifera, Fujita is a sort of camphor tree that has high linalool content in its leaf oil. Linalool is used widely in fragrance flavor and cosmetic. Researcher of Guangxi Forestry Research Institute spent many years to research the Rapid Propagation technique of Cinnamomum Camphora Var. Linaloolifera, Fujita.. Up to now, they have elected and bred four fine clones(GLC90、GLC95、GLC95、 GLC95). The four fine clones were recognized as fine seeds by Guangxi Forest Variety Approval Committee in 2005. The rate of Ho leaf oil was over 1.4%, the ethanal content of the oil was over 96%, which over 93% was linalool and the content of camphor was under 0.01%. They meets the requirements of QB/T2240—96. The leaf oil of Cinnamomum Camphora Var. Linaloolifera, Fujita doesn't need to be separated and purified complicatedly. it is applied to produce fragrance flavor and cosmetic directly. So Ho leaf oil is easy to produce. 单位名称:广西壮族自治区林业科学研究院 Name of Institution: Guangxi Forestry Research Institute 联系人:吴幼媚 覃子海 电话:0771-2319849 0771-2319850 传真:0771-2319804 地址:广西南宁市邕武路23号Address: No.23,Yongwu Road,Nanning City,Guangxi,China 邮编:530001 项目名称:面向东盟国家的广西农科院"国际科技合作基地" Name of Project: Introduction of GXAAS with "International Science and Technology Cooperation Base" of China MOST 项目简介:广西农科院下设20个研究所(中心),从事农作物遗传育种、栽培技术、生物技术、植物保护、农业资源与环境、农村发展与规划等方面的研究.多年来积极开展国际合作交流,已和30多个国际农业研究机构建立了合作关系,2008年被国家科技部授予国家级"国际科技合作基地"称号. 我院将利用广西的地缘优势,以国际合作基地为平台,与东盟国家开展合作,包括品种资源交换,人员培训,共同研发,把研发出的新品种和新技术推广到我国华南地区和东盟国家.最终建设成技术领先、人才聚集的热带亚热带农作物国际科技合作研发基地. 欢迎东盟国家的农业科研、教学、推广、生产机构、企业通过广西农科院"国际科技合作"平台,开展广泛的科技合作. 英文:Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GXAAS) with 20 research institutes (centers) has been conducting multi-disciplines agricultural researches on crops genetics and breeding, cultivation, biotechnology, plant protection, agricultural resources and environment, rural development and planning etc. It has been long time to target ASEAN countries as major partners to have international cooperation with many significant achievements, including exchanging and cooperation with more than 30 agricultural institutions worldwide. The academy and the base have intensive personnel exchanges, technical guidance, training courses with ASEAN countries, and successfully introduced new varieties and techniques in ASEAN countries including hybrid rice, sugarcane, maize, fruits, vegetables, edible mushrooms, tissue culture techniques for plants. GXAAS was awarded the "International Science and Technology Cooperation Base" by MOST in 2008. We are highly appreciative to have further cooperation with institutions and firms from ASEAN countries on agricultural education, researches, extension and production for the win-win achievement through the academy as well as the International Cooperation Base. 单位名称:广西农科院 Name of Institution: Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GXAAS) 联系人: 电话:0086-771-3276102 传真:0086-771-2230110 地址:广西农科院 国际合作处,中国 广西 南宁 大学东路174号Address: International Cooperation Division, GXAAS 174 Daxuedong Road, Nanning, 530007, Guangxi, China. 邮编:530007 项目名称:高产、高糖的桂糖系列甘蔗品种 Name of Project: Guitang Series---High Yield and Sugar Content Sugarcane Varieties 项目简介:广西甘蔗研究所和中国农业科学院甘蔗研究中心以高产、高糖、宿根性强、抗逆性强为目标,已育成桂糖系列甘蔗品种36个,其中桂糖11号是我国累计面积最大、经济效益最好的品种.近年又育成桂糖21号、桂糖97/69、桂糖02/237、桂糖02/901、桂糖02/467和桂糖03/2287等. 英文:With breeding targets of high yield and sugar content, good ratooning, resistant to lodging, disease and insect pests, etc. total 36 sugarcane varieties have been bred by Guangxi Sugarcane Research Institute (GXSCRI) and Sugarcane Research Center of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) named as Guitang series. Guitang 11 is the most popular variety with largest accumulative growing area and best profits. In recent years many new varieties and strains have been developed such as Guitang 21, Guitang 26, Guitang 27, Guitang 28, Guitang 97/69,Guitang 02/237,Guitang 02/237, Guitang02/901, Guitang 02/467 and Guitang 03/2287, etc. 单位名称: 广西甘蔗研究所 Name of Institution: Guangxi Sugarcane Research Institute (GXSCRI) 联系人:方锋学 电话:0771-3899889 传真:0771-3899390 地址:广西 南宁 大学东路172号Address: 172 Daxuedong Road, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China 邮编:530007 项目名称:优质高产薯类作物新品种、新技术 Name of Project: New Varieties and Advanced Techniques of Tuber Crops 项目简介:广西农科院经济作物研究所一直从事淮山、马铃薯、木薯、红薯等研究.其中淮山、马铃薯分获广西科技进步二、三等奖,出版了木薯、马铃薯专著,选育出桂淮2号等7个新品种,推出淮山定向结薯、机沟栽培等新技术.育成了弱感光红薯新品系桂引薯9号、10号等,有望广西红薯一年三熟. 英文:Cash Crop Research Institute of GXAAS has developed yam, potato, cassava, sweet potato for many years. The research results of yam and potato respectively obtained the 2ed and 3rd class of Guangxi Scientific and Technological Progress Prize in 2008 and 2007 respectively. Two monographs were published about cassava and potato and seven new varieties were bred, and the techniques of directional tuber and machine groove cultivation of yam. Several weak photo-sensitive sweet potatoes including Gui Yinshu No.9, Gui Yinshu No.10 were derived by hybridization, so that sweet potato might be harvested three times a year in Guangxi. 单位名称:广西农科院经济作物研究所 Name of Institution: Cash Crop Research Institute of GXAAS 联系人:韦本辉 电话:0771-3246718 传真: 地址:广西南宁大学东路174号Address: 174 Daxuedong Road, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China 邮编:530007 项目名称:糖厂酒精发酵液的环保资源化利用 Name of Project: Environmental Friendly Use of Vinasse Discharged by Sugar Mill Distillery 项目简介:广西制糖企业每年要排放酒精发酵液500多万吨,采用传统的氧化塘处理方式,容易对环境造成污染.酒精发酵液含有多种肥料元素,通过适当稀释可以定量还田,从根本上解决了酒精废液的污染问题.定量施用酒精发酵液的甘蔗,比常规施肥增产10%-30%,糖分也得到提高.广西农业科学院主持研究的这个项目,在广西已推广应用150万亩以上. 英文:Every year the sugar mill distillery in Guangxi discharged five million tons of vinasse that caused environmental pollution by the traditional oxidizing approach in the water pond. The experiment results showed that vinasse is rich in nutrient components as an excellent compound fertilizer. It can increase cane yield and sucrose content by applied to farmland based on fixed quantity technique, which could solve the problem of pollution. The experiment results showed that the cane yield of sugarcane applied vinasse was increased 10%-30% and sucrose content increased 0.2%-1 % over conventional fertilizer. Now this technique has been applied more than 100,000 ha in Guangxi. 单位名称: 广西甘蔗研究所 Name of Institution: Guangxi Sugarcane Research Institute (GXSCRI) 联系人:朱秋珍 电话:0771-3899305 传真:0771-3899390 地址:广西 南宁 大学东路172号Address: 172 Daxuedong Road, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China 邮编:530007 项目名称:成熟适用的植物组培苗技术 Name of Project: Matured Plant Tissue Culture Techniques 项目简介:广西农业科学院生物技术研究所从事热带亚热带作物资源收集、选育、种苗繁育和生物技术育种等研究.香蕉组培技术为国内外同类领先水平,该项成果获广西科技重奖、广西科技进步二等奖等奖项.香蕉组培苗年产能在5000万株以上,已创社会效益300多亿元,为我国香蕉产业发展做出了重大贡献. 英文:Biotechnology Research Institute of GXAAS focused on the research and development of germplasm resource collection and utilization, seedlings propagation and biotechnological breeding of tropical and sub-tropical crops. The technology of tissue cultured banana reaches international advanced level, and was awarded Guangxi Science and Technology R&D Special Award, second-prize of Guangxi Science and Technology Advancement Award, etc. The annual propagation capacity of tissue cultured banana seedlings is more than 50 million and a social and economical value of 30 billion RMB Yuan has been created, and has contributed significantly to the development of banana industry in China 单位名称:广西农业科学院生物技术研究所 Name of Institution: Biotechnology Research Institute of GXAAS 联系人:林贵美 电话:0771-3246898 传真: 地址:广西南宁大学东路174号Address: 174 Daxuedong Road, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China 邮编:530007 项目名称:优质高产杂交水稻 Name of Project: Excellent Quality and High Yield Rice Hybrids 项目简介:广西农科院水稻研究所长期以来致力于优质杂交稻品种的选育,近10年来,以细长粒作为主要选择目标,选育出三个优质不育系秋A、绮A和美A,配置出系列杂交组合秋优1025、美优桂99、美优998、绮优桂99、绮优293,达到国标一、二级优质米标准,成果达国际先进水平. 英文:The quality of hybrid rice grown in tropical or sub-tropical area was relatively poor because during grain filling stage the high temperature resulted in the formation of chalkiness and low gel consistency. In the past decade by targeting small slender grain as the main selection criteria, three sterile lines, Qiu A, Mei A and Qi A were developed and a series of combinations, Qiuyou 1025, Meiyougui 99, Meiyou 998, etc. were released by Rice Research Institute of GXAAS. The qualities of these hybrids meet the first or second grade of China national rice quality standards, and the research achievements reached advanced international standards. 单位名称:广西农科院水稻研究所 Name of Institution: Rice Research Institute of GXAAS 联系人:高国庆 电话:0771-3247012 传真: 地址:广西南宁大学东路174 号Address: 174 Daxuedong Road, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China 邮编:530007 项目名称:多种多样的食用菌 Name of Project: Techniques on Production of Edible Mushrooms 项目简介:广西农科院微生物所主要从事农业微生物相关领域的技术研究与开发,下属的食用菌研究中心以菌种开发和技术服务为主,在中高温型食(药)用菌品种(草菇、毛木耳、灵芝、金福菇、高温平菇等)的育种及栽培技术方面取得了丰硕的研究成果. 英文:The Microbiology Research Institute of GXAAS has been mainly engaged in research and exploitation on agro-microbiology techniques, under which the research center of edible fungi as the vector for transformation of research achievements. The center mainly involves in the development of mushroom seeds and relative technical services, and has many achievements in the breeding and cultivation of mild and high temperature type of edible (medicinal) fungi (Such as Volvaria volvacea, Auricularia polytricha, Ganodorma lucidum, Tricholoma lobayense Heim, Pleurotus ostreatus, etc.) 单位名称:广西农科院微生物所 Name of Institution: The Microbiology Research Institute of GXAAS 联系人:胡春锦 电话:0771-3244914 传真: 地址:广西南宁市大学东路174号Address: 174 Daxuedong Road,Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China 邮编:530007 项目名称:优质高产的玉米、大豆、红薯新品种 Name of Project: Elite Maize, Soybean and Sweet Potato Varieties 项目简介:广西玉米研究所已育成玉米、大豆、甘薯品种近百个."玉美头"、"桂单"系列优质玉米产量潜力6.78-9.75 t/ha;"桂糯"、"桂甜"系列鲜食玉米产量潜力11.25-15.0 t/ha;"桂春"、"桂夏"系列优质大豆产量潜力3.78 t/ha;以桂薯96-8为代表的甘薯系列产量潜力45t/ha,适宜在中国南方地区种植. 英文:About 100 elite varieties of maize, soybean and sweet potato have been bred by Guangxi Maize Research Institute (GMRI). The yield potential of the grain corn varieties "Yumeitou" and "Guidan" series is about 6.78-9.75t/ha while the vegetable corn varieties "Guinuo" and "Guitian" series are about 11.25-15.0t/ha. The yield potential of soybean varieties "Guichun" and "Guixia" series is up to 3.78 t/ha. With "guishu96-8", as the representative of sweet potato, the yield potential is about 45 t/ha. These varieties could be widely grown in southern China. 单位名称:广西玉米研究所 Name of Institution: Guangxi Maize Research Institute (GMRI) 联系人:程伟东 电话:0771-4280324 传真:0771-4282154 地址:广西 南宁 江南区 吴圩 明阳 Address: Mingyang, Wuxu, Nanning 530227, Guangxi, China 邮编:530227 项目名称:木薯育种和栽培国际科技合作基地 Name of Project: International science and technology cooperation base of Cassava breeding and cultivation 项目简介:广西壮族自治区亚热带作物研究所于1952年成立,是第二批科技部命名的国际合作基地.在芒果、澳洲坚果、剑麻、龙眼和木薯等方面的研究颇有建树,分别建立了设施完善的种植资源圃,保存了大批的种质资源,培育了一批"桂热"系列的优良品种.其中,建有国内规模最大、基础设施最好、研究内容最多的木薯育种栽培国际科技合作基地.基地规模200亩,引进保存国内外木薯种质资源580份.规划有木薯种质资源圃,以及育种、栽培及生理等方面的研究试验.国际合作基础雄厚,从1986年起与国际热带农业中心(CIAT)、泰国农业部大田作物研究所、罗勇大田作物研究中心、印度的块根作物研究中心等木薯研究机构合作,在种质资源交换、经验技术交流等方面作了许多工作,累计从CIAT、泰国等引进410个杂交编号共56000粒木薯杂交种子、47个优良品种,从中选育了GR911、GR891、桂热3号、桂热引1号等木薯良种,被列为农业部主推木薯品种,在全国大面积推广应用. 英文:Guangxi Subtropical Crops Research Institute(GSCRI), founded in 1952, is an international science and technology cooperation base that is named by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. It has obtained a lot of achievements in mango, macadimia nut, sisal hemp, longan and cassava. Many superior varieties of mango, longan and cassava were selected. GSCRI has founded the most widely research scope of international science and technology cooperation base of Cassava. The base covering 13.4ha, with 580 cassava genetic resources, and is divided into cassava germplasm plot, cassava breeding area, cassava cultivation area and physiological trial area etc. Since 1986, GSCRI has established friendly relationship with CIAT and become the only cooperation partner of CIAT in Guangxi. In addition, GSCRI also do some Germplasm resources exchange, experience and technology exchange and other cooperation with the Thailand Field Crop Research Institute, Rayong Field Crops Research Center, Indian Root Crops Research Center etc, and has introduced totally 410 hybrid Numbers with 56,000 hybrid seeds and 47 excellent varieties from CIAT and Thailand. Base on that, GSCRI Has selected and bred GR911, GR891, GR3 and GR1 excellent cassava varieties, and Ministry of Agriculture has listed those cassava varieties as the main extended cassava cultivars. 桂热3号: 木薯品种桂热3号,是从1994年泰国引进杂交种子中选育的优良新品种,于2005年通过广西科技成果鉴定,2007年通过广西农作物品种审定.同年,桂热3号中试示范项目获得国家农业科技成果转化项目立项并实施.区试平均鲜薯产量2780公斤/亩,分别比我国目前推广的良种华南5号和南植199增产32.9%和29.6%,其淀粉含量比对照华南5号高2.1%,为高产、高粉、株型好的优良新品种.目前该品种已在广西、海南、云南、福建、广东等地区推广应用,此外还被一些国内投资公司出口至缅甸、印度尼西亚、老挝、柬埔寨等国推广种植,历年在国内外推广应用面积累计52.8万亩,应用单位反馈表明,桂热3号均显著优于当地主栽品种. GR3 was a new cassava selected by Guangxi Autonomous Region Sub-tropical Crops Research Institute, selected from hybrid seeds introduced from Thanland in 1994. And was obtained the identification of scientific and technological achievements in Guangxi in 2005, and obtained Guangxi crop varieties audited in 2007. The project of regional yield trial of GR3 was obtained National Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements translate project and bring into effect. The average yield of regional yield trials is 41.7 tons/ha, compared to the SC5 and Nanzhi199, the yield increased 32.9% and 29.6%. And the starch content increased 2.1%, compared to SC 5. GR3 is a new excellent variety with high yield, high starch content, and good plant types. GR3 is expanded to Guangxi, Hainan, Yunnan, Fujian , Guangdong, and it is also exported to Burma, Indonesia, Laos and Cambodia, the total area in national and abroad was 35,000ha. The results showed that GR3 was much more excellent than their native main variety. GR891: GR891选自从国际热带农业中心引入的木薯杂交种子的后代,1998年通过农业部成果鉴定,2000年被列为全国星火推广项目.该品种平均淀粉含量高达31.6%,最高时可达34%,比我区的当家品种南洋红的块根含粉量平均高出5个百分点,是目前国内现有的含粉量最高的木薯品种之一,同时具有高产早熟、优质低毒等优良特性,属甜种木薯,适宜肥地栽培种植,在肥水管理较好的条件下,产量可达3-4吨. GR891 was selected from hybrid seeds introduced from CIAT. And GR891 was obtained the identification of Ministry of Agriculture in 1998. Average starch content is 31.6%, the highest reaching to 34%, much higher than SC201. GR891 is one of the highest starch content varieties, with early mature, low HCN good characters. And GR891 is an elite variety too. Obtained good yield in fertile soil, and the yield is about 45-60 tons per hectare. GR911: GR911是从国际热带农业中心引进的木薯杂交种子中选育的优良新品种,具有高产、易收获、种茎耐贮存越冬和运输等优良特性.平均产量比我区当家品种南洋红增产56%,淀粉含量比南洋红高0.4个百分点.一般亩产2-3吨,集约栽培亩产可达3-5吨.该品种于1999年通过国家农业部的成果鉴定,2000年被列为国家星火推广项目,2002年获广西科技进步三等奖. GR911 was obtained the identification of Ministry of Agriculture in 1999. Selecting from hybrid seeds introduced from CIAT, with high-yield, easy-harvesting and cold-resistance characters. Average yield is 30-45 tons per hectare, and the yield can reach to 45-75 tons per hectare under intensive cultivation. The yield is 56% higher than SC201 and starch content is higher than SC201. As a result, GR911 was encouraged to expand by Central Government in 2000, and achieved Science and Technology Improvement of Guangxi in 2002. 单位名称:广西壮族自治区亚热带作物研究所 Name of Institution: Guangxi Sub-tropical Crops Research Institute 联系人:李军 电话:0771-3348154 传真: 0771-3348062 地址:广西南宁市邕武路22号Address: No. 22 Yongwu Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China 邮编:530001 项目名称:柑桔优质高产栽培技术 Name of Project: Culture Technology on Citrus HighYield and Quality 项目简介:采用优良品种、容器育苗、种植优质无病毒苗木、合理密植、整形修剪、配方施肥、保花保果、病虫害综合防治等栽培技术,平均每公顷52.5吨以上,商品果率90%以上. 英文:Culture Technology on Citrus HighYield and Quality are as follows: Excellent cultivar Nursery seedlings with container Virus-free seedlings planted Suitable planting density Pruning and traning Formulated Fertilizer Preserving flower and fruit Integrated control of pest and disease the average yield was more than 52.5 tons /hm2 and commercial rate of fruits are over 90% 单位名称:广西大学 Name of Institution: Guangxi University 联系人:何新华 电话:15177169189 传真: 0771-3235612 地址:广西南宁市大学路100号Address: 100, Daxue Road Nanning,Guangxi P.R.CHINA 邮编:530004
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