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  • 安徽大学研究生导师简介

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    院(系、所): 化学化工学院
    姓名: 汪新 性别:男 出生年月:1964,10
    导师类别: 硕士研究生导师 技术职称: 教授
    联系方式 /wangxin164@sina.com
    招生专业名称 高分子科学
    主要研究方向 功能高分子
    个人简历 1987年获得安徽师大化学系学士学位,2002年获得安徽师大化材学院硕士学位,2008年获得安徽大学博士学位.2006年取得教授资格.2008年任池州学院化学系主持工作副主任,2010年任池州学院化学系主任.
    学术成果 近三年发表的科研论文:
    1. Synthesis and nonlinear optical properties of polyacetylenes containing oxadiazole and thiophene pendant groups with high thermal stability. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2010, 48, 5498.
    2. Preparation and properties of oxadiazole- containing polyacetylenes as electron transport materials. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2010, 48, 1406.
    3. Molecular Hybrid Optical Limiting Materials from Polyhedral Oligomer Silsequioxane: Preparation and Relationship between Molecular Structure and Properties. Macromolecules, 2010, 43, 2840.
    4. Controllable Preparation and Optical Limiting Properties of POSS-Based Functional Hybrid Nanocomposites with Different Molecular Architectures. Macromolecules 2009, 42, 8969.
    5. Thermally stable oxadiazole -containing polyacetylenes: Relationship between molecular structure and nonlinear optical properties. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2008,18,4204.
    6. Preparation and Property of Two Soluble Oxadiazole-Containing Functional Polyacetylenes Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2008, 46, 2072
    7.Preparation and property of a novel soluble oxadiazole-containing functional polyacetylene Chinese Chemical Letters 2008, 19, 141
    8.Preparation and property of a novel soluble electron transport POSS-based hybrid material Chinese Chemical Letters 2008,19,634
    9..新型噁二唑电子传输材料的分子设计合成、结构与性能关系的研究.功能材料2008, 9,1555.
    在研项目 1.安徽省教育厅产学研重点项目, 新型生物可降解塑料的生产技术(KJ2011A208),15万(含校配套).


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