Mugby Junction
by Charles Dickens
"Guard! What place is this "
"Mugby Junction, sir."
"A windy place!"
"Yes, it mostly is, sir."
"And looks comfortless indeed!"
"Yes, it generally does, sir."
"Is it a rainy night still "
"Pours, sir."
"Open the door. I'll get out."
"You'll have, sir," said the guard, glistening with drops of wet,
and looking at the tearful face of his watch by the light of his
lantern as the traveller descended, "three minutes here."
"More, I think.--For I am not going on."
"Thought you had a through ticket, sir "
"So I have, but I shall sacrifice the rest of it. I want my
"Please to come to the van and point it out, sir. Be good enough to
look very sharp, sir. Not a moment to spare."
The guard hurried to the luggage van, and the traveller hurried
after him. The guard got into it, and the traveller looked into it.
"Those two large black portmanteaus in the corner where your light
shines. Those are mine."
"Name upon 'em, sir "
"Barbox Brothers."
"Stand clear, sir, if you please. One. Two. Right!"
Lamp waved. Signal lights ahead already changing. Shriek from
engine. Train gone.
"Mugby Junction!" said the traveller, pulling up the woollen muffler
round his throat with both hands. "At past three o'clock of a
tempestuous morning! So!"
He spoke to himself. There was no one else to speak to. Perhaps,
though there had been any one else to speak to, he would have
preferred to speak to himself. Speaking to himself he spoke to a
man within five years of fifty either way, who had turned grey too
soon, like a neglected fire; a man of pondering habit, brooding
carriage of the head, and suppressed internal voice; a man with many
indications on him of having been much alone.
He stood unnoticed on the dreary platform, except by the rain and by
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