• 高三百朗英语听力 > 中级英语听力与口语(
  • 中级英语听力与口语(

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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    班 级
    __中__级英语听力与口语( 一 ) __B17___
    英 文 剧 名
    Illustrates the Holy Bible
    中 文 剧 名
    剧本:Illustrates the Holy Bible
    □ 自行创作
    改编- 原剧名: "放学回家&宽恕前的作为"
    剧本:( 剧本内容请以电脑缮打於表格内,限用 Arial 英文字体,字体大小14,单行间距;动作及情绪请以框号()及斜体标示之 )
    Topic : Illustrates the Holy Bible
    Scene One
    Aside : One day,the teacher who teaches ancestor . He is teaching the thing that about the Holy Bible .
    Teacher : In the Holy Bible said " the heaven "and "Jesus " all might predict person's future .
    The heaven is the final destination where humanity want to go .
    On the old testamet said the heaven is the god in the empire .All people obtain the esylum in this .
    Students : Wow!!
    Aside : Teacher speaks all heaven the story .
    Teacher : So , there is willing to result in the child to the heaven , plase raise your hand!
    Aside : All people allraised the hand , except seat in most front child .
    Teacher : Tom ! Do you not want to go to the heaven
    Tom : NO! I can not !!
    Aside : Teacher is very superised and walking to his side . Teacher squats down and asks his reason .
    Teacher : Why not Tom
    Aside : Tom has cried !
    Tom : Because my mother said , after is on vacation from school must directly go home .
    Student : (Laughs)
    Teacher : Oh! Calculated ! We enter the next chapter !
    Scene Two
    Aside : Teacher continues to teach the next unit .
    Teacher : This secindary said is " Forgives " . So-called forgives is only give up preserve the hatred . No longer haggled over or blames opposite party . Requests the opposite party finite duty the feeling. Is willing to restore the relations once again with the other people. Also no longer turns the old debt .
    Aside : Teacher says over , and then starts to ask the question to stutends .
    Teacher : The children ! Now ! Who can tell me In us befroe estimated can obtain forgives .


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