• 亿童幼儿英语5 > 《幼儿英语教学法》测试题(五)
  • 《幼儿英语教学法》测试题(五)

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    一. 一、填空题(每空1分,共10分)
    二. 简答题(每题5分,共15分)
    Example 1: The teacher taught the followings: " I want a banana. / I want an apple. / I want a pear." When playing the game " Going shopping" , one child said, " I want all."
    Example 2:
    Child A: 我们用积木来搭个火车好吗?这一块大的放在这儿.
    (Let's make a train with these blocks. Put the biggest one here.)
    Child B:拿一块更大的吧.这一块太小了.
    (But we will need a larger one. This one is too small.)
    Child A:不.We have the technology.
    (Yes, we can.)
    Example 3: Children have a great capacity to enjoy themselves. When they are enjoying themselves, they are usually absorbed by the activity and want to continue with it. They are not always aware that they are learning a language. E.g. the game " Old wolf, old wolf, what time is it?" When playing the game, the children seem to be really enjoying themselves.
    Example 4: If we watch children speaking in their first language, we notice how much they enjoy repeating. We often find a child talking to himself when playing. What happens to this when children learn another language. Here is an example: A three-year-old child had learned a rhyme " A car, a car, a car car car. Di di di, chi…" When the child came back home, he just repeated it all the time even when he went to the toilet.
    四.论述题 (每题25分,共25分)
    请以"triangle, square, round"等图形为内容,设计并组织一个幼儿英语游戏.
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