1. Describe the interactions among soil, agriculture, and ecological environment.
2. Enumerate in detail the environmental factors that can affect crop production.
3. Describe the interrelations between global warming and agricultural production.
4. Enumerate in detail the flow direction of major components of surface energy balance at daytime.
5. Enumerate in detail the flow direction of major components of surface energy balance at nighttime.
6. Explain the diurnal change of micrometeorological environment within a crop canopy.
7. Describe the temporal and spatial variation of climate in Taiwan.
8. Explain the basis of K ppen's classification and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
9. Enumerate in detail two anthropogenic influences that changed our climate.
10. Explain the causes of El Ni o phenomenon, and describe the change of climate around Pacific region.
11. Explain the causes of La Ni a phenomenon, and describe the change of climate around Pacific region.
12. Explain the causes of rapid global warming since 1970's, and describe the possible consequences.
13. Enumerate in detail the goals of precision agriculture.
14. Enumerate in detail the importance of understanding soil with regard to application of precision agriculture.
15. Enumerate in detail an application of remote sensing in soil and environmental sciences related studies.
16. Illustrate, diagrammatically, the typical reflectance spectrum of bare soil, vegetation, and water during wavelength range from 400nm to 2500nm.
17. List the name of two commonly used wavebands, with the corresponding wavelength ranges, in remote sensing and their possible applications.
18. List the name of one space or airborne remote sensing instruments, and its uniqueness.
19. Describe the following ecological concepts.
a) Succession
b) Energy flow between trophic levels
c) Limiting factors
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