题____ 目 试析《儿子和情人》中的“恋母情结”
_______________ _______________________________________
姓______ 名 _ 陶_ 佳_______________________________
专______ 业 _ 英语语言文学_________________________
准考证号码 040100105182____________________
指 导 教 师 _ 俞建青_______________________________
2006_ 年_ 10__ 月_ 10__ 日
An Analysis of Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers
Tao Jia
Abstract: In the second half of the 19th century and the early decades of the 20th century, frequent economic depressions and mass unemployment produced a profound impact upon the British people, who came to see the prevalent wretchedness in capitalism. All these radical changes gave rise to all kinds of philosophical ideas in Western Europe. Among them, Freudian analytical psychology drastically altered our conception of human nature. Freudism had a great influence on those modern western writers, especially modern English novelists. Lawrence’s famous work, Sons and Lovers, is the vivid demonstration of Oedipus complex of Freudian psychology. The protagonist, Paul, was tied up by the abnormal maternal love, and then tried to struggle to set free from it. However, he ended with failure. This thesis puts forward the viewpoint: Paul’s Oedipus complex is not only caused by the psychological factor, but also by the familial and social factors.
Key words: Freudism, Oedipus complex, sons and lovers, Mrs. Morel