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    Windows DDK Appendix:
    Win32 Multilingual IME Overview for IME Development
    Beginning with Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, Input Method Editors (IMEs) are provided as a dynamic-link library (DLL), in contrast to the IMEs for the Windows 3.1 East Asian Edition. Each IME runs as one of the multilingual keyboard layouts. In comparison to the Windows 3.1 IME, the new Win32 Multilingual Input Method Manager (IMM) and Input Method Editor (IME)
    ·architecture provide the following advantages:
    ·Run as a component of the multilingual environment
    ·Offer multiple Input Contexts for each application task
    ·Keep one active IME per each application thread
    ·Give information to the application through message looping (no message order broken)
    ·Offer strong support for both IME-aware and IME-unaware applications
    To fully utilize these advantages, an application needs to support the new Win32 IMM/IME application interface.
    In order to maintain maximum compatibility with existing Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 IMEs, Windows 98 and Windows 2000 have not changed significantly in design. However, new features have been added in order to provide better system integration and to support more intelligent IMEs.
    NoteIME developers must use the immdev.h in DDK, which is a superset of the imm.h in the SDK or other development tools.
    NoteIME developers must use the immdev.h in DDK, which is a superset of the imm.h in the SDK or other development tools.
    Win32 IME Structure
    A new Win32 IME has to provide two components. One is the IME Conversion Interface and the other is the IME User Interface. The IME Conversion Interface is provided as a set of functions that are exported from the IME module. These functions are called by the IMM. The IME User Interface is provided in the form of windows. These windows receive messages and provide the user interface for the IME.
    IME Aware Applications


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