• 新概念第一册课文讲解 > 外国语文学系
  • 外国语文学系

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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    This course aims to enhance students' focus on vocabulary building, reading strategies, and critical thinking skills. To achieve this goal, students will be led to explore real world issues, discuss academic topics, and study content-based and thematic materials. Secondly, to activate prior knowledge, students are encouraged to connect what they already know to the new reading materials. Finally, to interact with others, students are expected to participate in pair work, small group work, and whole class activities. By the end of the semester, students, working in groups, should present their creative, original, and critical group project, into which they integrate what have learned in this course and, through which they manifest their ability to interact with others and the society they live in.
    To acquaint the students with the basic knowledge of (western) literature by reading the masterpieces of western literature starting from the ancient Greek period. This class will also introduce you to the debates, issues, and expectations that shape literary studies today. You will develop the basic skills of textual analysis by working closely with some modern literary/English works. Meanwhile, the study of Greek mythology and the Holy Bible (King James Version) will be added. In addition, the introduction of some basic literary terms and theories will be offered, such as the definitions and key elements of different genres (i.e. poetry, fiction, and drama). The primary aim is to prepare student to respond intelligently and actively to literary texts, orally and in writing, with a knowledge of basic forms and techniques of literary expression.
    任课老师:蒋炳荣 (6学分,开授年级:一)
    Introduction to Linguistics is a two-semester course (three hours per week): Introduction to Linguistics I & II. This course, Introduction to Linguistics I, consists of lectures, discussions, group projects, and presentations, the satisfactory accomplishment of which will enable the students to receive three credits and fulfill the requirements to take the follow-up course, Introduction to Linguistics II.


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