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  • 初探80 后现象

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    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    高一九班 组长:杨思颖 副组长:胡永观
    组员:江翊雪 郑东阳 黎璐玫 王翔宇 指导老师:邓美玲
    摘 要: 生长于物质富裕,社会开放,经济起飞时代的"80后",少了苦难,多了甘甜,堪称幸福.然而与此同时,物欲滋生,信息多元等不利因素开始袭扰这些稚嫩的心灵.他们遇到了长者们年少时鲜见的难题,产生了种种"80后现象".社会纷纷对他们自立能力表示担忧,一段时间以来,甚至有网站提出"80后一代人:自私,丑陋的新新人类"的专题,人们在上面历数80后的种种不是.甚至有人说, "他们是中国垮掉的一代".然而形势是否发展到了人们所评价的"垮掉"的状态了呢 "80后"一代他们身上问题是什么,又是什么导致他们的现状 他们的优势在哪里 如何发展他们的优势 ……
    Being possible be called happiness, those given birth to after the 1980s have been short of the misery, but more sweet, because they are growing up in a material wealthy, the society opens and the economical launching time. However, at the same time, the disadvantage factors of the desire for material welfare multiplies, the information multi-dimensional and so on start to make a harassing attack these immature minds. The "post-80s"have met the difficult problems that the elder rarely came across when they were young. Thus all sorts of the "post-80s" phenomena have produced. The society indicates in abundance their worries to the "post-80s" ability of supporting themselves. Since a period of time, even some websites proposed the topic that the "post-80s"are a generation of selfish and ugly new human being. People count one by one all sorts of shortcomings of the "post-80s" on the web. Some people even said that the "post-80s"are the Beat Generation in China. However, is it true that the "post-80s"have really fallen into the "Beat" condition What is the main problems on the "post-80s" And what has coused their present situation What are their superiorities How can we develop their superiorities ......
    关键词:80后现象 80后特点 80后眼中的80后 现象分析 建议
    走向成熟的80后 充满希望的80后 对90后的启示
    前 言:我组同学从现实社会中表现突出的80后现象入手,透过80后现象纷繁复杂的表现,通过对"80后"网友的问卷调查和对80后创业者以及80后教师的采访,总结出了"80后"一代人的新特点.并追根究底地探究了80后现象产生的原因,提出了自己对80后现象的看法和对80后一代成长的建议.这个课题的研究能够帮助我们更加全面深入地认识80后现象,并且对我们90后一代的成长有着重要的借鉴和启示.
    "80"指的是八十年代,"80后"就是指在1980年以后出生的人."80后"这个词首先由少年作家恭小兵在一篇文章中提出,随后迅速流传并在网络中被高频率地使用.虽然这个概念的所指并不一致,但多数人把它作为80年代出生的写手的统称.如:春树,韩寒,许佳,郭敬明,张悦然,胡坚等.雅典奥运会以后,人们又把刘翔,姚明,杜丽,朱启南,罗雪娟,郭晶晶,劳丽诗,张怡宁等体育名将归到"80后"名下,并视他们为民族英雄. 从广义上说, 80后不仅仅包括了文学的范围,明星,运动员还有普通的80后出生的人都可以称为80后,甚至也可以包括我们九十年代出生的一代人.


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