姓 名: 崔舟航
学 号: 10647012
院 系: 深圳商学院
专 业: 西方经济学
导师姓名: Minsoo Lee
二00九 年 四 月
摘 要
The negative relationship between asset growth and stock returns
------Empirical study in China stock market
Cui Zhouhang (Major in Economics)
Directed by Professor Minsoo Lee
This paper follows CGS's methodology and uses more than 700 China stocks to test whether the asset growth effect which is found in U.S. equity market exists in China stock market. I use the year-on-year percentage change in total assets of Chinese firms as a test variable, the result is that there is also a pervasive negative relation between asset growth and subsequent stock returns in China stock market. Asset growth rates are strong predictors of future abnormal returns. Over the past 10 years, lowest asset growth stocks have maintained a return premium of 10% per year over highest asset growth stocks. When comparing asset growth rates with other determinants of the cross-section of returns, such as book-to-market ratios, firm capitalization, lagged returns, and other growth measures, I find that the firm's annual asset growth rate emerges as an economically and statistically significant predictor of subsequent China stock returns. Finally, I conclude that, the existence of asset growth effect in China is not only because, total asset growth is the sum of the subcomponents of growth measure and it synergistically benefits from the predictability of all subcomponents of growth, but also due to the particular characteristic of China stock market which consists of substantial non-tradable stock shares.