• 长白山日语导游词 > 韩国抗议美国将长白山天池标为中国领土
  • 韩国抗议美国将长白山天池标为中国领土

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    韩国抗议美国将长白山天池标为中国领土 吉林省长白山天池风景区 资料图 环球时报驻韩国特约记者沈松报道,韩国媒体报道称, 美国地名委员会(BGN)"错误地"将长白山天池标记为 中国领土,韩国驻美使馆将敦促美国进行修改. 韩联社6日报道说,美国地名委员会(BGN)对朝鲜半岛皊标记多处存在错误,其中包括长白山天池.报道称,圊BGN的海外地名搜索框中输入"CHENJI"(天池)后,会凊现"天池是38个标准地名之一"的介绍,但却被标记为 中国(CHINA)领土.长白山天池坐落在吉林省东南部,折中国与朝鲜的界湖. USA :China's Tianchi Lake of Changbaishan Mountain,Korea says No Korea(Global Times)—Korea media reported that Board on Geographical Names(BGN)"mistakenly" marked Tianchi Lake of Changbaishan Mountain as China's territory ,and the Korean Embassy in America would prod America to revise it. * H L P D H 尀$ Tianchi Lake of Changbaishan Mountain. According to the report, if you type"CHENJI"(Tianchi) into BGN's search box for overseas geographical names,you will be led to the introduction that "Tianchi is one of the 38 Standard Geographical Names". But it is marked as China's territory. Tianchi Lake of Changbaishan Mountain stands at the southseast of Jilin province,bordering China and North Korea. (By Shen Song) 陆玉梅个人译作,更多请访问:http://www.yeeyan.com/space/tr anslations/Elaine%20Lu Elaine Lu's Translation, please visit http://www.yeeyan.com/space/translations/Elaine%20Lu for more PAGE PAGE 1
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