课题名称: 连锁经营业的物流配送策略研究
院 (系): 工商管理学院
专 业 班 级: 08物流管理3班
学生姓名: 沈 建 华
学 号: 2008502347
指导教师: 殷 锐
二○一一年 一 月 三 日
In recent years, the chain, information technology and scale characteristics of the chain into a very rapid development of enterprises have become the main pillar of our social and economic industries. However, enterprises in the logistics chain links are still very weak, which the development of enterprises is has caused tremendous obstacles, severely restricted the chain of scale play; the current distribution method is relatively backward, the development of chains has become the "bottleneck". Firstly, the current logistics and distribution chain enterprises in China are outlined, and then through the analysis of the distribution chain logistics problems, according to a reasonable distribution of advantages and actively seek countermeasures proposed chain optimization of logistics and distribution channels. In addition to the logistics industry in China's chain operation mode of organization and future development trends and strategies.
Key words: chain management industry; logistics and distribution; the status quo; Development Strategies
物流作为新兴的服务产业被认为是国民经济发展的动脉,被视为是继原材料,劳动力之外的"第三利润源泉".对连锁经营企业而言,物 流配送系统的运营状况直接影响着它的生存与发展.通过对物流配送系统进行合理科学的规划,可实现物流配送的信息化,智能化,有利于我 国市场经济的健康发展.
美国,日本,德国等经济发达的国家现已形成了适合各自国情的现代物流配送系统,对物流配送模式的研究与应用也比较成熟,产生了丰 富的研究成果,形成了一系列的理论,比如"黑暗大陆说","第三利润源泉说","后勤工程说"等.他们还将理论与物流配送实践紧密结 合,基本解决了连锁经营企业物流配送环节中存在的问题,使得发达国家物流配送业呈现出健康发展的势头.而在我国现阶段关于连锁经营企 业物流配送系统的研究还尚未形成体系.随着改革开放不断地深入,人们开始逐渐认识到物流配送是提升企业利润的最后一道门槛.物流配送 对连锁经营企业来说已上升成为一个战略性的问题.