• 时钟电路课程设计参考文献 > 01电本《模拟电路课程设计》教学要求和选题
  • 01电本《模拟电路课程设计》教学要求和选题

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    数字电子钟是一种精确的计时工具,它精确显示秒时,是一种比传统机械表更灵活方便的钟表。还可附加闹铃,报时等功能。因而在日常生活的各种领域应用广泛。数字电子钟由秒信号发生器、“时秒”计数器,译码器及显示器,校时电路组成。秒信号发生器是整个系统的时基信号,作为秒脉冲送入计数器,计数结果通过“时秒”译码器显示时间 。







    Digital electric clock is an exact timing tool, it is precisely that, when, is a more flexible than the traditional mechanical clocks convenience. Still can add alarm, time, etc. Therefore in the daily life of various fields. Digital electric clock by the second signal generator, "when, minutes and seconds" decoder and monitor the counter, school, when the circuit. Second signal generator is the system of signal, as the yankees pulse, count results through to counter ", minutes and seconds "decoder shows the time.




    一、设计任务与要……………………………………………………………………………………………………? 4

    二、方案设计………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4

    三、单元电路设计………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4

    3.1译码显示电路……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4

    3.2秒脉冲触发器……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5


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