摘要:精馏塔的精确设计是化工等行业的一个非常重要话题。在这篇文章里,我们介绍用于设计精馏塔的一个ASP.NET网页程序。 为了简洁明了,它是假定精馏塔的类型为二元精馏塔,物系为乙醇-水。它通过麦卡勃-梯勒分段图解计算法、塔板工艺计算、流体力学校核,借由三次样条插值等一系列数值计算方法,用一个图形化的方法同时确定所需理想的分离程度的阶段数和进料塔板的位置,及塔板的网孔分布示意图和动态负荷性能图。随后,其他一些相关的塔参数(例如塔的高度和直径),也被确定。所有结果的得到都充分地利用动态语言Forcal和编程调试工具OpenFC,结合了插值和公式的数值计算。我们说,通过由那些对每一个具体情况简单地替换我们的假设,同样的方法可以应用于任何其他类型的精馏塔。这个程序的性能和可靠性是通过一些例子来表明的。最后,在教学和工业上可能的应用,也在本文的讨论之列。
An ASP.NET technology-based component of the designing of distillation column development
Abstract: The accurate design of distillation columns is a very important topic in chemical industry. In this paper, we introduced an ASP.NET Web application used in the design of the distillation column. For simplicity, it is assumed that the type of distillation columns for the binary distillation column, for the Department of ethanol - water. It follows McCabe-Thiele’s procedure, the tray process, checking fluid mechanics, through the three spline and a series of numerical calculation method, using a graphical method for determining both the number of stages required for the desired degree of separation and the location of the feed tray,and distribution of the mesh grid plans and dynamic load performance graph. Then, some other relevant column parameters (such as the height and diameter of the column, for example) are also determined. All results have been fully dynamic language Forcal and debugging tools OpenFC, combined with interpolation and the formula calculated. We remark that the same approach can be applied to any other kind of distillation columns by simply replacing our assumptions by those of each specific case. The performance and reliability of this program is shown through some illustrative examples. Finally, potential_ applications to both teaching and industry are also discussed.
KeyWords: Binary distillation column; graphical method; tray of computing; dynamic load performance graph; fluid mechanics check