• 舌咽神经走行 > 口腔颌面外科学
  • 口腔颌面外科学

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    Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    适用专业: 口腔医学专业(五年制本科)










    学院负责人: 耿仁文








    一 课程简介

    ___ 通过理论和实验、实习科教学,使学生熟练掌握牙槽外科(各类牙拔除及牙源性炎症疾患)的诊断及治疗:掌握口腔颌面部肿瘤、损伤、涎腺疾病、颢下颌关节疾患以及先天性唇腭裂畸形、牙颌面畸形及后天缺损畸形等的诊断及治疗原则。熟悉口腔颌面部各类外科疾病的基础理论知识,包括头面部解剖学基础以及口腔颌面外科常见多发病的病因、症状、诊断及治疗原则。了解我国口腔颌面外科的专业范围、国内外新进展和发展方向,为临床实习和毕业后工作打下良好基础。培养热爱祖国、热爱口腔医疗专业,能够满足社会各阶层需求、面向人民群众,并能走向世界、能参与国际交往的口腔颌面外科医生。

    After theoretic learning, experimental and hospital practice, students are supposed to have a good command of diagnosis and treatment skills in alveolus surgery, such as exelcymosis of all kinds of teeth and therapy of odontogenic inflammations. Students should have a good understanding of principles of diagnosis and treatment of tumors and injuries in the oromaxillo-facial region, salivary gland diseases, temporomandibular joint illnesses, congenital and acquired chilopalatognathus and jaw facial deformities. In order to be a competent dentist, students should have a good command of the basic theories and knowledge of surgical conditions at the oromaxillo-facial region, including cephalofacial anatomy, etiology, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment principles of common and frequently occurring illnesses in oral and maxillofacial surgery. They should also have a good knowledge of specialty scope in current China, new advances and development trends the world over in oral and maxillofacial surgery so that they can have a solid foundation for their future career development. They should be patriotic, enthusiastic about stomatology and all kinds of patients. In addition, they should be good at English so that they can communicate with overseas professionals in oral and maxillofacial surgery.




    第一章__ 绪论

    了解: 口腔颌面外科的定义、发展简史和口腔颌面外科的国内外动态

    ______ 口腔颌面外科与基础医学课程、临床医学课程以及其他口腔医学课程的关系。

    ___ 掌握:口腔颌面外科的医疗范围和口腔颌面外科的学习方法


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