• 高一英语必修一课后题 > 外研社版高一必修3Unit 6 Old and new单元测试1
  • 外研社版高一必修3Unit 6 Old and new单元测试1

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    外研社版高一必修3Unit 6 Old and new单元测试1
    1.What did the man do after he lost something?
    A.He stayed at home. B.He went to look for it.
    C.He asked the police for help.
    2.What does the man mean?
    A.He hates to eat American food.
    B.He likes to eat American food very much.
    C.He can eat American food, but not too much.
    3.What happened to Mr. Smith?
    A.He was made headmaster of the school.
    B.He was fired by the school.
    C.He doesn't like English any more
    4.Where are the man and woman?
    A.In the museum. B.In the zoo. C.In the theatre.
    5.Which book has the man's brother got?
    A.A history book. B.A Chinese textbook.
    C.An English textbook.
    6.What will they do tomorrow?
    A.Have breakfast together. B.Go bowling together.
    C.Play tennis together.
    7.When will they plan to meet?
    A.8:00 am. B.8:00 pm. C.7:00 am.
    8.What can you infer about the room according to the conversation?
    A.A small room. B.A bit noisy room. C.A room for non-smokers.
    9.How much did Richard pay for the room?
    A.$114 B.$104 C.$140
    10.Where does the woman want to go?
    A.The Central Park. B.The New York Hotel.
    C.The subway station.
    11.At which street can the woman get off if she takes the subway to Central Park?
    A.At 46th Street. B.At 44th Street. C.At 45th Station.
    12.Why can't the woman walk to the Central Park?
    A.She is too tired. B.It's too far. C.It's too late.


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