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  • 学英语2007-2008学年下学期北师大高一实验版听力部分

    免费下载 下载该文档 文档格式:DOC   更新时间:2008-03-01   下载次数:0   点击次数:2
    文档语言:Simplified Chinese
    M: Could you pick up two tickets for Ken and me
    W: Can't you book by phone
    M: No, I don't think so. Not without a credit card.
    W: All right. Give me the money.
    M: Well that's the trouble. I have no dollars at hand.
    W: Lend you the money how much are the tickets
    M: Er about $40 each.
    W: How much
    M: $40. Only until next Monday I'm exchanging my pounds for dollars then.
    W: $80 is a lot of money. OK. I'll get your tickets. But not today. I'm going to have lunch with Sally and I won't have time. I'll go Saturday
    Text 8
    W: Hi, Dick. Would you like to go swimming this afternoon
    M: I wish I could, but I have to spend the rest of the day in the library. I have a ten-page paper to write. Tomorrow is the deadline.
    W: Oh, is that for Prof. Lowell's class
    M: Yes, I have to write about a poem we read in class.
    W: That's hard. How is it going so far
    M: Not very well. And I also have to study a lot for math and history. I don't know what to do at all.
    W: You know, I've been doing well in math, so I'd be happy to help you. If you like, we can start tomorrow.
    M: Oh, that'll be great.
    Text 9
    W: I've given in to the holiday spirit.
    M: So have I. What a beautiful sight!
    W: Yeah. I'd like to come downtown to see all the shining lights.
    M: I've got a lot of shopping to do, so I have to hurry.
    W: I bought most of my gifts at Thanksgiving. Now I can relax and enjoy the season.
    M: You are smart. I wish I had planned ahead. Let's start at this department store.
    W: OK.
    M: There is Father Christmas. Look at all the children lining up to see him and hoping to get gifts.
    W: I wonder if they'll get their wishes. It's really crowded in the department store.
    M: I know. I hate fighting crowds and shopping. The prices seem so high.
    W: That's the way it goes. Prices always go down after the holiday.


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