作 者 单 位 历史文化学院
指 导 老 师 商 国 君
作 者 姓 名 贺 霞
专 业 班 级
2002级历史学(2)班提 交 时 间 二〇〇六年四月
贺 霞
关键词:庄子 逍遥 有待 无待
is a very important philosopher before Qin of dynasty. His philosophy point of view influenced the scholars in the aftertime hugely, becoming a kind of special cultural phenomenon of Chinese nation. “Peripateticism” is the state of inspirit freedom, which Chuang_Tzu imagined and pusued. It is the atman Chuang_Tzu’s viewpoint of freedom and the tallest state of his life philosophy. Through the analysis carried on the two core concepts, “treat” and “did not treat” of the article of peripateticism. It point out only paramount、God man、sage ,who comply with the nature, can achieve the perfect state, that ourselves was indentical with the things and peripateticly in the Xanadu. At the same time, it post that kind of particular charm of Peripateticism, that meditate on the bemusement and wildering about humankind.Ked words:Chuang_Tzu
Peripateticism Treat Did not treat庄子生活在战国中期,面对的正是动荡不安的严酷社会现实,他深深体验到现实的困境和生存的压力。作为一个思想家,他不只是愤慨地痛彻统治者的凶残狡诈,而且还冷静地进行了深层次的哲学思考,他要寻找的是人生最高的意义和最大的快乐,他要探索的是人类精神解放的逍遥之路,本文就庄子的逍遥观在前人研究的基础上谈一些简单的看法。