Part A: Spot Dictation
1. popularity 11. press buttons
2. simply to reduce 12. The Amount to be Withdrawn
3. suspect 13. verify
4. round-the-clock 14. work on the request
5. plastic card 15. personal ID number
6. offer ATM service 16. without authorization
7. transaction 17. ask you to try again
8. machine's keypad 18. keep the card
9. four or six digits 19. card theft
10. display screen 20. in a single day
Part B: Listening Comprehension
1. Statements
【原文】Up to now, none of the candidates who applied for the position has the required credentials. We'd better let our ad in the Help-Wanted Section run for more weeks.
【预测】划出每个选项的关键词:A)not one qualified; B)nobody applied; C)only one applied; D)interviewed nine,显然话题是应聘、面试.B)、C)项矛盾,可能有一个成立.A)中的qualified应该是关注的重点,此选项的内容在深度上高于其他3个注重数字的选项.
【解析】答案为A).听力的重点在前半句:none of the candidates who applied说明B)、C)错.D)中的nine是对none的混淆,也不对.none...has required credentials与A)中的not qualified相符合.
【注释】credentials:证件,关于某人可以相信、信任或具有权力的证件或证明书.Help-Wanted Section:(报纸上的)求助、招聘版.run an ad:做广告.
【原文】Originally Florence was only asked to make some introductory remarks, but she ended up giving a speech herself when the speaker came down with the flu.
【预测】划出每个选项的关键词,判断话题显然是speech,并涉及到introduce remarks(介绍辞),选项中有一个混淆点:是Florence还是speaker作了演讲?听时特别注意判断这个问题.
【解析】答案为B).前半句讲的是originally(原本的)情况:Florence致介绍辞,后半句的but转折必然是重点:end up giving a speech(最终作了演讲),原因是speaker came down with flu(得了流感病倒了).句子提供的信息与B)相符.
【注释】end up doing sth:以(没有预期到的结果)告终.come down with (disease):病倒了.
【原文】You know what? I've got to finish that evaluation report for the board meeting next week. A 10-page report within the week! There goes my social life this weekend.
【预测】读题划关键词,每个选项均有一个不同的动宾词组:finish report; hate to join social activities; work extra time; not attend board meeting.听力时判断整句的主题最为重要.
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