• thegiftedman > Join the same extra-curricular activities
  • Join the same extra-curricular activities

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    文档语言:Traditional Chinese
    Chapter One
    Knowing Oneself

    According to the description in each box, try to find someone like you and ask him / her to sign in the suitable box. You have to finish this game as quickly as possible.
    Join the same extra-curricular activities
    Lunch at the same place yesterday
    Take the same means of transport to school
    Like the same pop singer
    Same number of family members (e.g. a father, a mother, one sister…)
    Same hair style
    Same height
    Same constellation
    Wake up at the same time this morning
    From the same primary school
    Born in the same hospital
    Live in the same building
    The bracket number are the same in the ID card
    Wear watches of the same brand
    Like the same subject
    Same surname
    Like the same cartoon character
    Visit the same place outside Hong Kong lately (e.g. Macau, Japan)
    Same sex
    Like the same colour
    Total number of signatures:___________Think about it:
    What are the things unique to you Your background, likes and dislikes or character
    What are the things you have in common with others
    How important are the things unique to you
    How important are the things you have in common with others

    My name is Joyce Yu. My first name "Joyce" means "happiness". My parents said that my arrival really brought much happiness to the family. It was because they had three sons, but just one daughter. Is it that all the names have their special meanings
    This morning, when I was lining up for snacks at the tuck shop (小卖部), I said, "Excuse me" to the student standing in front of me. "Who are you Why should I be good to you " He replied impolitely. I don't know how to answer his question. The "Who are you " seems to be very simple, but it is difficult to answer.
    When I arrived home, I asked my father, "Who am I " He said, "You are my daughter." Then I asked my eldest brother the same question. He replied by giving me a book called "Where did people come from " The book mentioned that we were the sons of monkeys. "Am I really the sons of monkeys " I asked myself.


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