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  • 人口, 资源, 环境关系史

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    中国人民大学出版社成立于 1955 年,是新中国 建立后成立的第一家大学出版社,是中国人文社会科 学高校教材、学术著作出版的最重要的基地之一。
    History of CRUP
    China Renmin University Press was founded in 1955. As the earliest university press after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, It is one of the most important bases to publish college textbooks and academic works of humanities and social sciences in China.
    中国人民大学出版社依托中国人民大学的综合优 势,团结全国广大人文社会科学工作者,高举人文社 会科学的旗帜,秉承“出教材学术精品,育人文社科 英才”的出版理念,大力实施精品战略,把出版工作 同中国的教育事业、文化事业的发展,同中国的经济、 社会的发展紧密结合,形成了人大出版社鲜明的出版 特色和巨大的品版价值,成为中国人文社会科学出版 领域的排头兵。
    Mission of CRUP
    China Renmin University Press takes good advantage of the competitiveness of Renmin University of China, focuses on humanities and social sciences, and makes good connections with scholars in these fields. “Publishing elaborate academic works and textbooks, cultivating talents in arts and social sciences” has always been the goal pursued by China Renmin University Press. The strategy of providing quality books has combined its publishing function closely with the development of education, culture, economy and society in China. Since it has taken on distinctive features in publishing and enjoys a high prestige in China, it becomes one of the pioneers in publishing industry of China’s humanities and social science.
    建社 50 年来,累计出版图书一万余种,出版范 围涵盖了人文、政治、经济、管理、法律、外语、教 育考试等人文社会科学的众多领域,其中许多教材多 次再版,一些教材发行量高达数十万册、数百万册, 以至数千万册,原创及引进的优秀学术著作屡获国家 级大奖。人大出版社在版权引进和输出方面也十分活 跃,与国外一些大型出版集团和著名大学出版社建立 了战略合作伙伴关系,是近年来版权引进量和输出量 均居前十名的唯一的出版单位。
    Publication of CRUP
    In the past 50 years after she was rounded, totally 10,000 kinds of books have been published, covering various areas such as humanities, politics, economics, management, law, foreign languages, and education (including reference books for entrance exams). Many of the textbooks have been reprinted for several times with a circulation ranging from 100 thousand to several million copies, and some even have exceeded ten million copies. Many and rights titles won National Prize for Best Publications. The Press has played an active role in importing and exporting the copyrights and set up strategic partnership with some of large-scale publishing group and well-known university presses abroad. She is the only publisher whose rights import and export are both ranked in the top 10 publishers in China.


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